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Although his poll numbers may have slipped recently, despite popular belief President Obama has had a rather effective first year in office..  Many of his achievements came so swiftly, that a forgetful public may have overlooked the last.  So now that we’re 1 year into the Obama presidency, here’s a look back at some of Mr. Obama’s most notable accomplishments you may have forgotten about:


HEALTH CARE RECORDS: The Obama White House cleared an important hurdle in the health care reform debate when it appropriated $19 billion in last year’s stimulus package to help implement an electronic medical record system.

COMMUNICATIONS: The Obama Presidential campaign was built on advanced technology. So, naturally, the Obama White House is defined by similar characteristics. From hosting online question-and-answer sessions with the President, to publishing the first White House blog, to streaming every event with the President on its website, the White House has been quietly dragged into the 21st Century with modern and updated technology.

TRANSPORTATION: Since last February’s economic stimulus, the Obama Department of Transportation has approved more than 2,500 highway projects. The movement of stimulus money out the door has been as swift as it has been effective: Over $10. billion has been spent in all 50 states, and with competition for contracts fierce, the department is set to approve even more projects than previously envisioned. “There will be more money for additional transportation projects,” said the official.

EDUCATION: In spite of the economic financial crises, the Obama Treasury Department has implemented policies sure to have a positive impact on debt-burdened families. Chief among those was a $2,500 tax credit to help offset the cost of tuition (among other expenses) for those seeking a college education. Nearly five million families are expected to save $9 billion, according to Treasury officials.

AUTOMOBILES: The Obama White House has insisted upon seismic structural changes, managerial reorganization, and massive cuts in employment among the auto industry. Perhaps the most significant of steps was to allocate $2 billion in stimulus cash for advanced batteries systems. One high-ranking Hill aide called battery technology “the next big frontier” in the automotive world, adding that if the U.S. could dominate this market it would reclaim its perch as the world’s premier car manufacturer.

PAKISTAN: Cognizant of a destabilizing situation in Pakistan, the administration’s diplomatic team, with a major assist from Japan, secured $5 billion in aid commitments “to bolster the country’s economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism” within the country. The money, as Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry believes, will prove instrumental in bringing the nation away from the brink of failure and increased Taliban control.

CITIES: More than any of his predecessors, Mr. Obama has put a spotlight on America’s struggling cities, even creating an office of Urban Policy in the White House. It is the Justice Department, however, that lays claim to one of the most consequential of urban affairs achievements. Through the Recovery Act, the DOJ secured $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces. The money, cut during the Bush years, is expected to have massive ramifications on inner-city crime and violence.

FORESTS: Since taking office, the White House has put under federal protection more than two million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of rivers and a host of national trails and parks. The conservation effort – the largest in the last 15 years – came with the stroke of a pen when Mr. Obama signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 early last year.

ENGAGING THE MUSLIM WORLD:  Foreign affairs experts insist that Mr. Obama’s engagement with the Muslim world has been at once remarkable and under-appreciated. From the first interview with Al Arabiya to his Nowruz address to the Iranian people, to his proclamation that “American is not at war with Islam” during an appearance last year in Turkey, seasoned observers have been routinely impressed. “Through these [statements and interviews],” said one Democratic foreign policy hand, “He has been able to dramatically change America’s image in that region.”

WORLD VIEW:  During the Bush administration, America lost most, if not all the respect and camaraderie it gained from the world during the 9/11 attacks.  Despite his poll numbers at home, Mr. Obama remains respected and revered in the world, which has returned America to its place of importance on the world stage.  This has gone a long way in rebuilding working relationships with other global nations.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Your right DJ I did forget about some of this. I think Obama's best achievement has been fixing our image in the world with other countries. After only 100 days America seems to be back and respected again around the world. Good job Mr. President!


Co-sign with Anon. Some of those things I did forget about. And some of those accomplishments I wasn't aware of at all. So Thank you for the list DJ!I also agree with Anon that repairing America's image in the world has got to be considered among Obama's "best achievments."However, at the end of the day,_ANY DAY_what matters most to most Americans is:1. Is my job safe today? And will I have job tomorrow?2. If I lose my job OR if I've already lost my job, how am I going to make it?…how will I pay my mortgage? feed my family? pay the light bill? What about health insurance? etc.3. FAT-cats and lying-azz thieving Crooks on Wall Street get a "bail-out" and I__a working-class citizen, playing by the rules, trying to make ends meet, working harder everyday for LESS and LESS pay and insurance benefits_get what???! A long song and a… Read more »


BTW: I'm blessed to have good job, a secure with pretty good health insurance_all of which I'm mighty Grateful for!But I truly feel for the people who don't 🙁


Wow had no idea Obama got all this done his first year. Guess the White House has its work cut out for them since I bet I'm not the only one who doesn't know about all this.We still need EQUALITY FOR ALL! Get rid of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and give the GLBT community the right to marry.

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