Comments on: 100 Days Of Trump: A Report Card News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 02 May 2017 04:45:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 01 May 2017 18:49:06 +0000 TAC Reader:
I knew that many of Mr. Trump’s stands on issues were clearly designed to appeal to a certain base and were hopelessly impossible to implement.

But I thought that once attaining power he would actually have intelligent ideas on how to solve some pretty difficult issues in this country.

He has abandoned both. And I don’t think that was his intention. I think he is just sadly in over his head. […]

TAC Reader:
Oh please. Trump ran on a series of slogans, a sales pitch that was little more than empty rhetoric. To think that the man who routinely screwed over the small business contractors who worked for him, imported workers to staff his Mar a Lago resort, and had his products (as well as those of Princess Ivanka) manufactured in China ever had the interests of his white, working class voters at heart was pure wishful thinking. America first? Who are you kidding? Trump’s motto is and always has been “Trump first.” He’s blatantly using the presidency to further enrich himself and his family.

This turn of events comes as no surprise to those of us who’ve watched President Tweet for decades and recognize a con man and malignant narcissist when we see one. Yes, the GOP needs to be reordered, as does the Democratic Party. But to think that a third-rate charlatan lacking any fixed principles other than self-aggrandizement would be the one to bring about a revolution evinces a huge degree of delusion.

Trump has neither the focus, nor the work ethic to do anything other than take the easy way out. […]

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 01 May 2017 18:48:32 +0000 ..(continuing on a related note)……

"The End of Trump’s Revolution?"

After 100 days in office, his promise of “America First” has disappeared, and he has morphed into a conventional Republican.

“From this moment on, it’s going to be America First. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.”


At his inauguration, Trump made this pledge to the American people. Despite leading the first unified Republican government in a decade, Trump failed to deliver on this pledge in his first 100 days in office.

The brand of populism that helped Trump’s rise to power has been squeezed out by the longstanding division within the Republican Party between the GOP establishment and the conservative movement. Over the past 100 days, a conventional Republican presidency wedded to conservative orthodoxy has emerged, albeit with Trump’s distinctive character flaws.

A Trumpian populist policy agenda has also been hampered by the dynamics within the White House. After the failed travel-ban orders and his demotion from the National Security Council, Steve Bannon saw the influence of his populist faction wane. Major infighting with Jared Kushner’s centrist faction further undermined Bannon’s standing and endangered his position in the administration. This chaotic environment ultimately allowed Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus to persuade Trump to favor orthodox conservatives’ priorities. […] David A. Cowan, TAC writer

TAC Reader:
Mr. Cowan it was reported today that Trump has lied to us Americans, including his supporters who did not blink when during the campaign he said he could walk up to a random person in NYC, shoot them dead, and suffer no loss of support, on average about 5 times per day over the last 100 days.

Please explain your use of the word “populism” in relation to The Donald.

Is there not one conservative in America with the guts to admit that the very thought of the man makes our collective stomachs turn and that he is a national embarrassment of extraordinary proportions? […]

By: Mr. BD Mon, 01 May 2017 16:28:57 +0000 In reply to Yup.

The Repubs got in Obamas way for all eight years but he made it work. He got Obamacare passed and they tried a hundred different ways to end it while he was still around but failed. So what you are saying is no excuse. A party that likes or blocks something is how government works. The president job is supposed to find a way to make it work anyway. But Trump has no friends in congress. He beat up on Dems and Repubs the whole campaign so nobody really likes him or owes him anything. The Repubs only go along just because they have to save face. So these are facts and the biggest fact is Trump is a failure.

By: Mr. BD Mon, 01 May 2017 16:21:29 +0000 Oh boy I knew this was coming today. Thanks DJ. I took the poll and gave Trump a F because he talked a big game in the campaign but can't follow through on nothing I can see. The biggest thing he was elected on was he was going to kill Obamacare. But that turned out to be his biggest flop and embarrassment so far. Then he promised coal minors he was going to bring all their jobs back but that's a lie and everybody except the coal minors know it. Trump's problem is he thought this was all going to be easy and he could do whatever he wants like he runs his Trump company. But this isn't like that this is government. All those years he was tearing Obama down for not getting everything done is starting to come back on him and I love sitting back watching it. Like they say karma is a B.

By: Yup Mon, 01 May 2017 16:10:35 +0000 You say your paper is supported by actual fact, but you say he hasn't kept any of his promises, albeit he hasn't fulfilled most of them, but he has kept a few. If there's an explanation to that it's because the dems keep getting it his way doing everything they can to make it seem like he's a failure.
