Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas — AKA Mrs. Clarence Thomas — has been exposed as a cult fanatic who left one cult only to join another.
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According to Business Insider, Mrs. Clarence Thomas was once a member of the right-wing cult Lifespring. Founded in 1974 by John Hanley, Sr., the group claimed to play “a major role in spearheading one of the most successful and important human development movements in history,” including improving the “self-confidence, self-esteem, lowered job stress, a heightened sense of control in life, and a more positive and pleasurable range of events and experiences” in the lives of its members. However, it has since been determined that Lifespring’s members were coerced into the group via emotional and psychological “cult-like tactics.”

In a 1987 article from the Washington Post, Mrs. Clarence Thomas admitted: “I had intellectually and emotionally gotten myself so wrapped up with this group that I was moving away from my family and friends and the people I work with. My best friend came to visit me and I was preaching at her, using that tough attitude they teach you.”
In short, Ginni Thomas was impressionable and gullible enough to allow a cult to groom and fool her into submission.
After several years of deeply committed devotion to Lifespring, Ginni Thomas was convinced by others to leave the group and be “deprogrammed.” Unfortunately, the deprogramming only removed her from one cult and steered her into a new one.
“Sadly, the people who helped deprogram Ginni were also apparently involved in right-wing causes. As is the case with SO many former members, she was overly susceptible and went from one cult to another (The Cult of Trump),” said author and cult expert Dr. Steven Hassan.
.I knew Ginni Thomas. Ginni Thomas was in a cult (the large group awareness training cult, Lifespring). Here she is in 1989 speaking at an event I hosted for former members. Until today, almost NO one has seen this video.
— Steven Hassan, PhD (@CultExpert) March 31, 2022
Sadly, the people who helped deprogram Ginni were also apparently involved in right-wing causes. As is the case with SO many former members, she was overly susceptible and went from one cult to another (The Cult of Trump).
— Steven Hassan, PhD (@CultExpert) March 31, 2022
After leaving Lifespring, Mrs. Clarence Thomas proved her vulnerability and latched onto the cult of MAGA and all things Donald Trump. She got so deeply involved in Trumpworld that she began having weekly meetings with ‘The Donald’ at The White House — often carrying with her a carefully crafted “hit list” of the people she thought Trump should fire for being disloyal to his cause.

Ginni Thomas regularly gossiped with Trump and won him over with her unwavering loyalty. She also pumped him up as one of the greatest men alive, which played directly into his ego and drove him to consider her as a valued confidant.
And, therein lies the problem. Ginni escaped one cult only to be swept into another cult.
“When you come away from a cult, you have to find a balance in your life as far as getting involved with fighting the cult or exposing it. And, kind of, the other angle is getting a sense of yourself, and what was it that made you get into that group and what open questions are there that still need to be answered. And I think I’m really trying and struggling with the balance between that.”
– Ginni Thomas
The Washington Post and CBS News have each since reported that Mrs. Clarence Thomas sent multiple text messages to former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows following the 2020 presidential election that suggest sedition. Her motive was to assist Meadows and Trump in overturning the election results. Additionally, Ginni Thomas also attended the January 6th Trump rally and even marched with MAGA sycophants to the US Capitol — although she claimed to have left the premises before violence ensued.
So, why is all of this important, you ask? It’s because Mrs. Clarence Thomas is the wife of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — and in direct conflict with his alleged impartiality as a member of the high court.

Ginni Thomas claims that her MAGA “work” (in the cult of Donald Trump) is unknown to her husband and has no influence on his decisions on the nation’s highest court. However, her admitted membership with the Lifespring cult and her self-admitted “work” with Trump’s MAGA cult (to attempt to overturn the results of a duly-held democratic election) makes it all but impossible that she has successfully been able to keep her world separate from her husband’s world.
Or, to put it bluntly, Congress needs to launch a full investigation into Mr. AND Mrs. Clarence Thomas and their very clear conflict of interest.
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Mrs. Clarence Thomas and her multiple cult lives.
New York Times:
The disclosure that Virginia Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, had sent a barrage of text messages to the Trump White House urging efforts to overturn the 2020 election brought into sharp focus the conflict of interest her political activism has created — and the lack of a clear-cut remedy.
It is one thing, experts in legal ethics said on Friday, for the spouse of a Supreme Court justice to express political views, even ones shot through with wild conspiracy theories. That may not by itself require the justice’s recusal from cases touching on those views.
But the text messages from Ms. Thomas, a longtime conservative activist who goes by Ginni, revealed something quite different and deeply troubling, experts said.
The messages from Ms. Thomas to Mark Meadows, President Donald J. Trump’s chief of staff, sent during and just after the fraught weeks between the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, demonstrated that she was an active participant in shaping the legal effort to overturn the election.
“I’m not sure how I would have come out if we just had a lot of texts from her saying that ‘this is terrible,’ said Amanda Frost, a law professor at American University in Washington.
“But she wasn’t doing just that,” Professor Frost said. “She was strategizing. She was promoting. She was haranguing.”
Thanks for this DJ. The more the spotlight is shown on this crazy-azz woman the clearer the picture becomes. Yes, she is indeed a “threat to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
But I consider her husband to be an even bigger threat because he actually sits on the U.S. Supreme Court! So what’s to be done with Clarence Thomas?
For starters: The American media and the political class should STOP tip-toeing around this incredibly disturbing Truth and show some real guts by stating what is clearly obvious. There’s NO way Clarence has has been married to that woman all these years and didn’t know about her history.
And even if by some unbelievable chance he didn’t know about all the stuff she was up to regarding Trump (he knew), he darn sure knows about it now! And at the very least he MUST recues himself from ANY and ALL Jan. 6 related cases.
Throughout my adult life, I’ve learned that, in America…way more often than not…”broken people” end up together. It’s sad but true.
Years ago ’60 Minutes’ did a detailed segment on Clarence Thomas (his life from childhood to the high court). At the end of the segment I remember thinking to myself, “that man is messed up inside.” “And he’s bitter.”
Now mind you, I’m not saying he didn’t/doesn’t have reason to be. I’m simply sharing what my impression of him was/is, based in large part on that ’60 Minutes’ segment.
The fact that he ended up married to another “broken” person, didn’t really surprise me. The fact that he ended up with a broken person who poses a real threat to our democracy – well, I guess that shouldn’t have surprised me either (sigh)!
“Clarence Thomas Book Portrays a Tortured Soul” – NPR, Sept. 29, 2007
“Justice Clarence Thomas’ Memoir Unveils Bitterness” – NPR, Sept. 29, 2007
The above links are audio discussions of his Memoir available on NPR.
It all makes sense about her now. She left one cult and got in another cult with Trump. Trying to get people fired and overturn the election and all that is cult activity. They condition you to not take no for a answer and keep going until you get what you want. And that is what she is doing. The lady is sick and like Truth said there is no way on Gods green earth Clarence does not know all she is up to. He needs to get off the court and she needs to go get reprogramed again.