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During an interview with CNN last week, Sen. John McCain joined other Republican colleagues in being very critical of President Obama’s approach to the unrest in Iran, saying that he shouldn’t be concerned about being seen as “meddling” in Iran’s affairs. But in an appearance on Fox News, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and a McCain supporter, broke with his fellow Republicans by saying he thinks “the president has handled this well”:

KISSINGER: Well, you know, I was a McCain supporter and — but I think the president has handled this well. Anything that the United States says that puts us totally behind one of the contenders, behind Mousavi, would be a handicap for that person. And I think it’s the proper position to take that the people of Iran have to make that decision.  Of course, we have to state our fundamental convictions of freedom of speech, free elections, and I don’t see how President Obama could say less than he has, and even that is considered intolerable meddling. He has, after all, carefully stayed away from saying things that seem to support one side or the other. And I think it was the right thing to do because public support for the opposition would only be used by the — by Ahmadinejad — if I can ever learn his name properly — against Mousavi.




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Let’s see:We have an historical situation unfolding in Iran where the IRANIAN people are handling THEIR business themselves. And we have an American President who is intelligent, thoughtful, pragmatic and a realist. He knows that to inject America into the Iranian revolt/movement in any substantive way would cause greater harm to those Iranians who are fighting for “Change.” And then we have the political equivalent of Bud Abbot and Lou Costello_aka John McCain and Lindsey Graham_attempting to lecture the President on how to be President!?!I mean_could John “my OLD impulsive azz don’t really know JACK about jack” McCain provide Us with more proof as to WHY he is “NOT FIT” to be President?_smh. It’s to the point that even Joe Scarborough is saying “WTH?:“I just don't get them. You read the president's statement from yesterday. and, again, I just don't get it. Again, if this is an exercise about doing things that make us feel good about ourselves, about talking about how evil Iran is and, my god, I've been saying it for a very long time, we could go back and talk about all the deaths of U.S. servicemen the Iranians were responsible for, we could talk about how they export revolution, how they export terrorism and they have since 1979. I can give you a bill of particulars on why they are the most evil country on the planet. What good would that do? All we would do is undermine those people in the streets the second they are attached to the United States of America. The country, after all, has been known in Iran as the Great Satan since 1979. We will undermine their cause and make no mistake of it, their cause is our cause. They are fighting this fight, though, and do not need John Sydney Mccain or Barack Obama to get out and make statements that will only play into the hands of the mullahs or Ahmadinejad. It's so shortsighted i find it stunning."View video: <a href="… />McCain and Graham_stunningly STUPID.

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