Electoral College Set To Certify President

Politics –
Electoral College Set
To Certify President
Welcome to election day in America.
Yeah, I know you think that already happened on November 8th, but — well — it didn’t. Election day is actually the day the U.S. Electoral College meets to vote for and certify their choice for President of the United States.
You see, when you voted on November 8th, you weren’t actually voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. You were voting for members of the Electoral College, who are expected to take your preference into today’s real vote and officially declare the president-elect.
Interestingly, the U.S. presidential contest is the only election that relies on such a system. Every other U.S. campaign simply selects the winner based on the number of votes they receive. Â So, what’s the deal here?
Proponents of the Electoral College say the system was invented to provide a voice to smaller and less populated U.S. states. Or, in other words, it was meant to prevent states such as Montana and Wyoming from being ruled irrelevant by the politics of larger states such as California and New York. However, opponents are calling the Electoral College an antiquated system that is not only unfair to the majority of the country, but is responsible for electing Donald Trump — despite Hillary Clinton receiving 2 million more votes.
For more than a month, a Change.org petition has circulated calling for members of the Electoral College to save the country from Donald Drumpf today by declaring Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States. The petition is based on the belief that Trump is grossly unqualified, as well as the Russian hacking that likely helped to elect him. Additionally, various Hollywood celebrities, including Martin Sheen and Debra Messing, have engaged in a campaign begging the Electoral College NOT to make Trump the next U.S. Commander-In-Chief.
In a video circulating social media, celebrities remind us that America’s founding fathers invented the Electoral College to “safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue, and to assure that the presidency only goes to someone who is ‘To an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications.'”
For much of the country, that person would NOT be Donald Trump. For much of the country, if there was ever a time that America needed to be saved from itself, this would be it!
Usually, the Electoral College vote is a mere formality that certifies the will of the people. Â However, today’s vote could be unprecedented — particularly if several members defect and vote for someone other than who their state directed them to.
Several members have announced publicly they will vote differently today, which could come with legal consequences. However, despite a historical public out lash, Donald Trump is expected to be certified the official president-elect.
What do you think of the Electoral College? Is it still a fair and relevant system, or should it be outlawed and retired?
I am all for positive thinking but I don't see any way they don't vote for Trump today and make Hillary president. I don't think that is possible anyway. If what I heard is correct I thing the house or representatives would have to decide on somebody. Anyway I doubt Trump makes it four years. He will either get bored and quit or get impeached. I hope America is satisfied on what they chose. As for the electoral college I wish it would go away.
Co-sign with BD. "I don't see any way they don't vote for Trump today and make Hillary president.."
The ease with which Russia was able to hack into the federal government servers – in addition to Assange and the American news media serving as willing TOOLS for Russian interference in our election process – in addition to the OBVIOUS flaws with the EC …are all extremely serious issues that should concern every American who truly loves this country. And those issues MUST be fully addressed if Our system of democracy is to have any real hope of succeeding (in terms of governing) going forward. I believe that failure to do so will lead to all kids of disastrous outcomes for Us/and our nation. But I digress.
Trump won the election fair and square (meaning the EC count). And I don't see any way that that isn't certified today.
Get over it. Stop putting out all this negativity and look to doing what ever you can to helping Trump. Face it he is the President for better or worse. Realize that there are many people who also need to be recognized . Who have not been for many years. Yes all the people who have been getting all the attention are still valid but in so doing millions of others who have unfairly been lumped in with past circumstances not of their making (because of having white skin) are now being treated unfairly. Is that right? Does that make it even? No. So put your self in their shoes before casting opinions to why Trump was voted for.