If you thought the 2020 presidential election was violent, riddled with legal challenges, and completely over the top, just wait until the 2022 elections!
Politics :
Once upon a time, Democratic, Republican, and Independent politicians fought tooth and nail to win political contests. However, once the voters had spoken and the results were in, politicians accepted the results, shook hands with their opponents, conceded the races, and congratulated the winners.
Sadly, those days are dead! In fact, thanks to Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, those days are dead AND buried!!
According to Rolling Stone, Donald Trump and his sycophants have been planning for years to reopen their bag of old tricks and challenge the results of the 2022 elections — just as he did in 2020. In fact, only this past September, Trump summoned a handful of Republican allies to Manhattan’s Trump Tower and presented his personal prediction that a 2022 elections “scam” was about to happen in Philadelphia and elsewhere in Pennsylvania — and he wanted conservatives to do something about it.
“During our briefing, he [Donald Trump] was concerned that 2020 is going to happen again in 2022,” said former senior Trump administration official Michael Caputo, referencing Trump’s debunked claim that voter fraud in Philadelphia helped Joe Biden win Pennsylvania. “Our team encouraged him to be concerned… [and] I’m advising Republicans to recruit and train election observers and a team of attorneys to oversee historically problematic precincts.”
Oh, but the impending 2022 elections debacle doesn’t end there. It merely BEGINS there.
Over the past several months, Trump has held a series of in-person meetings and conference calls with pro-Trump groups, attorneys, Republican Party activists, and MAGA diehards to lay the groundwork to challenge the 2022 elections across the country — just as he did in 2020. Interestingly (in what’s being called a dry-run for TRUMP 2024), they’ve been secretly preparing to deploy scorched-earth tactics in order to get the election results anti-democracy dictator Donald Trump so desperately wants.
Rolling Stone explained that the Trump MAGA fanatics have already gamed out scenarios they will use to aggressively challenge elections to the nth degree, particularly ones in which a winner is not declared on Election Night. If there is even a hint of doubt about a winner, the teams intend to wage aggressive court campaigns, launch a media blitz, and basically cause just as much (if not more) havoc as in 2020.
For example, if Trump-endorsed GOP contender Dr. Mehmet Oz does not beat Democrat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania’s US Senate contest by a wide enough margin to trigger a speedy concession from Fetterman, Trump and his MAGA-ites are set to reopen Pandora’s Box, unleash holy hell, and wage a crusade against the “election integrity” of the political contest.
Or, in other words, the winner is not the winner unless it’s whoever Donald Trump says it is.
Mike Lindell, the MY PILLOW guy, has already pledged millions of dollars to fight 2022 election battles. Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock is currently working with former national security advisor Michael Flynn to form a group of like-minded activists and ReTRUMPlicans to support their challenges and claims. Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson has already begun revving up viewers with his claims that the Pennsylvania 2022 elections will not be conducted fairly.
In short, the belief is that if Trump’s hand-picked candidates are not immediately declared winners in any of the 2022 elections, prepare yourselves for war.
Make no mistake about it, Trump and his team are fully preparing to undercut the 2022 elections as part of a broader GOP attack on electoral democracy. Since his violent attempt to overturn the results of 2020, he and other prominent conservatives have already been stirring the pot and claiming “voter fraud” and “stolen elections” before a single vote was even cast. However, this is the new GOP doctrine — and the wave of future elections to come. From now on EVERYTHING will be challenged. EVERY vote will be considered fraudulent. EVERY election will be chaotic.
So, get ready, America. Although the 2020 election was historically violent and ugly, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
2022 elections and the Trump MAGA movement.
No matter the results of the upcoming elections and future elections to follow – I keep these 2 thoughts in mind:
1. “Elections have consequences.”
2. The will of the majority of American voters always reveals the Truth about America.
I don’t know if democracy will actually “die” in America(?) But IF democracy dies in America it will be because the majority of the American people no longer want it and cherish it. They want something worse….much worse!
And this country, Our country, will be made all the more worse for it!
Hey Truth just like that old saying you don’t know what you have until it is gone. We might have to lose it all before we can appreciate democracy again.
So true BD. For a lot of Americans, “you don’t know what you have until it is gone.”
And that’s especially true for young adults who have only known having Rights that were hard fought for loooong before they were born. They’ve taken it for granted that all of those Rights and freedoms will always be there. The overturning of Roe v. Wade should have served as a major wakeup call!
Sadly, it may not have. But we shall see.
All I can say is I hope Dems are prepared to fight again. They had a lot of things in place last time so they were ready. I just hope they are ready again. But it is too bad elections will probably never be the same anymore like DJ said.