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Just when you thought your handheld mobile device (formerly known as a cell phone) could do no more, a Jetson’s like future could soon be in the works.

Are you ready for 3D Hologram mobile video calls?  Well if you’re not, you might want to start preparing for it.  Tech experts say the idea is not that far off and could be introduced as early as 2015.

Ever since Apple introduced FaceTime calling on its iPhone 4, consumers have been intrigued with the idea of physically seeing everyone they talk to via mobile phone.  It’s an idea that’s been around since “The Jetson’s” cartoon, and now its time may have come.

Video calls would be projected from cellphones using pico-projector technology, which would make a 3D image of a person appear directly in front of you and not just on a screen.  It would be as if they’re right in the room with you.

This could be great for lovers or for loved ones serving overseas in the military.  But it could be bad for when you’d have to beam your boss into your living room!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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