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Health Care Activists Hold Sit-In At Sen. Schumer's Office
Late Saturday night, Democrats wooed holdout Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska to secure the 60th and deciding vote to advance health reform in the Senate.  The bill puts President Obama’s signature issue firmly on a path for Christmas Eve passage, following a 60-40 test vote (1 of 3 this week) earlier this morning that basically sealed the deal.
Republicans were outnumbered in their efforts to halt ecstatic Democrats from finally overhauling health care after years of trying.  But GOP leaders are threatening to still use every parliamentary maneuver at their disposal to try and delay the bill, so as to block President Obama from reaching his goal of passage prior to Christmas.
To get Nelson’s vote, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was forced to agree to a series of concessions on abortion and other issues demanded by his fellow Democratic Sen. Nelson.  Without such concessions, the bill would have missed the 60 votes needed to prevent a Republican filibuster, which would have all but killed it.  The bill in its current form still lacks the Public Option that liberals craved.  But once again, it was this or nothing.  The bill could still be tweaked or even revamped once it becomes law.
Following the Christmas eve vote, the next step will be for the House and Senate to meet and reconcile their separate versions of the bill.  It will then go to the President for his signature.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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No question about it, THIS is a MAJOR achievement! Yes, the Bill will continue to be worked on to make it a better bill. But what a monumental step forward The President and Dems have taken!


I heard on TV this morning that whatever they vote on, none of this will take affect until 2014!


BD:"I heard on TV this morning that whatever they vote on, none of this will take affect until 2014!"I heard media schmuck, George SStephanopoulos, try to peddle that same MISinformation yesterday. He was quickly CORRECTED by someone who has a clue. George didn't apologize for NOT knowing what the h*ll he was talking about. But he did back-off and change his tune a bit.In short: SOME of what is in the bill will become effective the minute the President signs the bill into law. Other parts of the bill will kick in over time up to 2014.


Oh OK thanks Truth for the "truth". I know too many people who need some of those health benefits now!

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