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9/11 Museum and Gift Shop Angers Families

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May 28, 2014

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Top News Today –
9/11 Museum and Gift Shop Angers Families
The 9/11 Memorial Museum opened last week on May 21st, complete with emotional reminders of that devastating day, intimate stories of loss, compassion, reckoning and recovery, and a souvenir gift shop. HUH???

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9/11 survivors and family members are angry and want immediate answers as to how a 9/11 souvenir gift shop with keychains and t-shirts plays into the idea of a sacred memorial to those who perished on that dark day in American history.  Some have even questioned the idea of a museum.

In a recent New York Times article, several New Yorkers were quoted expressing their issues with the gift shop and the museum itself.  The major complaint is the feeling that the museum is not meant for New Yorkers. One man who lost a brother said, “It was made for people who don’t really know what 9/11 is about … No one who went through what we went through needs a museum to tell us what we lost. We already know that in our hearts.”

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A mother who lost her son in the 9/11 attacks said, “Here is essentially our tomb of the unknown. To sell baubles I find quite shocking … I think it’s a money-making venture to support inflated salaries, and they’re willing to do it over my son’s dead body.”

“It was opened to tell the story of one of the darkest days in our nation’s history… Family of those lost in September 11th are outraged that the museum has a store… It is insensitive and repugnant,” said other family members.

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“The problem I’m going to have with that is that I’m going to see people going there like tourist and laughing and joking on their cell phone. Doing selfies in front of these things that really can not be expressed into words,” added yet another family member.  But not everyone has a problem with the museum and its gift shop, especially since it is completely self-funded through admission fees and sales.

“What’s most important is whether the stories it tells… helps fulfill our promise to never forget… We have to pay for it, we have to make sure this museum is available forever for everyone,” said the museum’s administrator.

Still, for many New Yorker’s, the museum and gift shop are extremely controversial since the site still holds the remains of more than 1,000 unidentified people trapped in the rubble from 2001. According to a medical examiner, those remains have been moved to a private repository 70 feet under the 9/11 Memorial Museum that will be off limits to the public. The museum’s website says the repository will allow medical examiners to continue making identifications. Also, families of the victims will be allowed in a special viewing area and will never be charged an admission fee.

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Speaking against those who are bothered by the museum and its gift shop, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said, “There are roughly 3,000 families that think this is a good idea and there’s roughly a dozen that don’t. No matter what you do not everyone is going to be on board.”

What do you think of the 9/11 Memorial Museum and its touristy souvenir gift shop?

OK WASSUP! tackles the top news today, including anger 
from survivors and family members over the newly opened 
9/11 Memorial Museum and its souvenir gift shop.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. The truth is, I'm not feeling any of it. Not the museum……

    ….and certainly NOT the gift shop!?! If that's not exploiting the dead then I don't know what is?

  2. They can't be serious with this gift shop. I agree with the families this is tacky as hell.

  3. Come on people. How else do they pay for this multi million dollar site without charging admission and selling souvenirs? It doesn't pay for itself ya know! Some people are never satisfied.

  4. Then they should find another way to pay for it. Selling trinkets on the graves of those killed in 9-11 is blasphemous.

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