Gay Racism – Preference or Prejudice?
January 27, 2015
Although sexual prejudice is very prevalent in society, many are unaware of the racial prejudices that exist within the gay and lesbian community. Meet Nelson Moses Lassiter, a gay black man who made a very pleasant connection with a white guy in a gay bar.
I was like, “Oh, would you want to grab a drink sometime?” And he’s like, “You’re really, really sweet, you’re really nice — but I don’t date black guys.” And he’s just like, “Well, you know, they’re just not my type.”
And I’m like, “Well, what does that mean? You just don’t like me because I’m black? That’s weird,” Nelson added.
Gay Rights
Surprisingly, this is not uncommon within the gay community. In fact, one look at various white male profile’s on the gay dating website Grindr will uncover the words “No rice, no spice, no chocolate” (meaning no Asians, Latinos or African-Americans). Or, some white males will just come right out and say “Not into Blacks or Asians…it’s just my preference.” What’s also surprising is to see the same “Not into Blacks” statement in a Black Male’s profile. Hmmm…
When is attraction preference and when is it prejudice? Is race truly a preference, or is it just racism rearing its ugly head inside the gay community? Check out Nelson’s true LGBT story:
Hmmm. Now this is a very tricky one for me DJ because…..
While I surely believe that *racism* within the Gay Community is that Community's dirty little secret….I also believe that people (regardless of their sexual orientation) are entitled to their preference when it comes to dating/and marrying, whomever they choose…whether it be inside or outside their race.
Full disclosure –
My preference is to date (mostly) within my race. I have two Caucasian friends that are dear to me. But I honestly don't think I could ever date a Caucasian person. Not because I feel in any way Superior OR Inferior to White people. But because there's no shared cultural experiences there and for me that's a very important factor.
Does that make me a racist? I certainly hope not.
I simply feel that My preference for who I date is just that…My preference.
Also full disclosure – I am happily in a 5-yr relationship. 🙂
There is something to be said for preference that is filtered through culturally shared experiences as Truthiz1 pointed out. I believe the human experience is one that tends to move toward clannish behavior. As much as we are apart of the same whole, we tend to separate base upon experiences or conditioning. Each group sees something beautiful from within that captivates the eye and draws them closer together. However, prejudices that arise from superficial filters need examination. To devalue another based on ethnicity, status or financial means doesn't participate in liberal thinking and if you are a proponent of being viewed in a liberal light, do the same towards others. We like what we like, but let's be clear on the core thinking and motivation behind it.