Acosta Must Resign Over Epstein Leniency
It’s time for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta to resign!
Current Events
Back in 2008, multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein was charged with sexually abusing 40 minor girls between the ages of 13-17. Believing that local prosecutors would be steamrolled by Epstein’s high-priced lawyers, Florida officials asked then-federal prosecutor Alex Acosta to step in and handle the case. That turned out to be a damning decision.

Instead of using the weight of the US Attorney’s office to assure that Epstein be locked away for years to come, Acosta actually struck a non-prosecution agreement with the defendant’s lawyers — an agreement which allowed for a lesser plea on a state charge and came with the sweetheart deal that Epstein only spend 13 months in jail and be allowed to leave jail for long stretches of time to work from his office.
The deal was consummated, Epstein served the agreed-upon 13-month sentence, and all was seemingly forgotten… until recently.
Now, Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news for sexually abusing more underage girls — and Alex Acosta is coming under intense fire for being the man who allowed this pedophile to return to the streets and commit more heinous sexual crimes against children.
How/why did Alex Acosta botch the Epstein case so horribly? That is the million-dollar question.
“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender’ …it’s the difference between a murdered and a person who steals a bagel.” – Jeffrey Epstein
With all eyes now on him, current US Labor Secretary Acosta is defending his decision to seek leniency with Epstein in 2008 by claiming he secured the best deal he could.
“Facts are important and facts are being overlooked,” Acosta told reporters during a press conference at the Labor Department in Washington, insisting that his office had secured a reasonable sentence facing an uncertain trial with reluctant witnesses. “These cases are complex, especially when they involve children.”
“I know in 2019, looking back at 2008, things look different,” Acosta continued in an attempt to drive home the point that “today’s world treats victims very, very differently.”
When asked if he has any regrets from his deal that allowed Epstein to serve only 13 months then return back to the streets to molest more children, Acosta was tentative.
“No regrets is very hard question,” he said, adding: “You always go back and say ‘what if?’ What I can say is at the time … this was the view of the office.”
A number of Democrats, including several involved in the 2020 presidential campaign have called for Acosta’s immediate resignation. However, not surprisingly, Donald Trump raced to his Labor Secretary’s defense.
“I can only say this from what I know and what I do know is that he’s been a great, really great secretary of labor,” Trump said. “The rest, we’ll have to look at it, we’ll have to look at it very carefully. But you’re talking about a long time ago and again it was a decision made, I think, not by him but by a lot of people. So we’re going to look at it very carefully.”
Political analysts inside Washington are already predicting it’s not a matter of if, but when Acosta resigns. By allowing him back on the streets, Acosta paved the way for Epstein to commit more crimes against children between 2008 and 2019 — and now it’s time for them both to pay.
The young sexual victims and their families won’t have it any other way.
So we know how this will probably play out. Acosta will stay until Trump decides he’s of no more use to him…then Trump will order one of his other minions to get rid of Acosta – Trump, NOT having the guts to do it himself.
The overall tragedy of this absolutely putrid story is that Epstein, a well-known sexual predator of young girls (children) has so many friends in HIGH places (Dems and Repubs) that he was able to carry our his evil deeds for decades with wanton abandon and without fear of having to answer for them. Rich, white, male trash…men of his ilk like Bill Clinton and the creature currently in the White House.
Sadly, all things considered, IMO, Acosta is a nobody…a rotten little human-cog in the Massively wicked machine called ‘the world of American Elites.” Do I think he should resign? Yes. But frankly, what he did, rotten little human-cogs in positions of power do everyday. Serve his/their Masters.
It’s all just additional evidence that Trump is a symptom of a more deeply rooted disease in America.
Epstein should spend the rest of his life in prison among the general population.
Now THAT would be Justice.
On a related note…..
TAC writer:
For once, I’m with New York Times writer Michelle Goldberg: Jeffrey Epstein is the ultimate symbol of plutocratic rot.
In her latest column, Goldberg interviews Vicky Ward, who covered the 2003 revelations of Epstein’s sex abuse for Vanity Fair. Ward’s editor, Graydon Carter, allegedly ran interference for the high-flying pervert, nixing her discussion with two women who claimed to have been assaulted by Epstein.
This appears to be something of a pattern. “What is so amazing to me is how his entire social circle knew about this and just blithely overlooked it,” Ward says of Epstein’s pederasty. “While praising his charm, brilliance and generous donations to Harvard, those [I] spoke to…all mentioned the girls as an aside.”
Back to Goldberg:
“The Epstein case is first and foremost about the casual victimization of vulnerable girls. But it is also a political scandal, if not a partisan one. It reveals a deep corruption among mostly male elites across parties, and the way the very rich can often purchase impunity for even the most loathsome of crimes. If it were fiction, it would be both too sordid and too on-the-nose to be believable, like a season of “True Detective” penned by a doctrinaire Marxist.” – excerpts from the TAC post: “Welcome to the Hellfire Club”
This appears to be rich white men looking out for each other. There is no way in h*ll this child molester should have got a deal like that just to go back out there and molest more girls. I agree Acosta will be gone sooner than later.
From NY Times:
WASHINGTON — President Trump said Friday that R. Alexander Acosta, his embattled secretary of labor, will resign following controversy over his handling of a sex crimes case involving the financier Jeffrey E. Epstein when Mr. Acosta was a federal prosecutor in Florida.
Mr. Trump said Mr. Acosta had called him on Friday morning and informed him of his decision to step down. The two men stood side by side on the South Lawn of the White House and spoke to reporters before the president left for travel to Milwaukee and Cleveland.
Mr. Acosta’s resignation brings to four the number of cabinet agencies led by acting secretaries. The department’s deputy secretary, Patrick Pizzella, would assume the role of acting secretary, Mr. Trump said.
“This was him, not me,” Mr. Trump said, adding that Mr. Acosta has been a “great, great secretary” and a “tremendous talent” who is “a Hispanic man. He went to Harvard, a great student.” The resignation came two days after Mr. Acosta convened a news conference to defend his actions in the Epstein case in 2008 when Mr. Acosta was the United States attorney for the Southern District of Florida.
Wil beat me to it!…lol
Trump decided Acosta is of no more use to him.