
Acting Presidential Is A New Role For Trump

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Is Donald Trump FINALLY acting presidential?

Politics –
Acting Presidential
Is A New Role For Trump

Who was that man speaking to a joint session of congress last night while acting presidential, and what has he done with Donald Trump?

In case you missed Trump’s first State of the Union address to congress, it was everything you never thought it would be. Yes, Donald Trump — THAT “Donald Trump” — was actually, for the first time, acting presidential.

Trump began his remarks by honoring the final day of Black History Month.  He then segued into civil rights violations, notably regarding the recent attacks against Jewish Community Centers and the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries.

“While we may be a nation divided on policy, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms,” Trump said.

Trump also spoke against the deep political divide within the country, saying “The time for trivial fights is behind us.”  He also asked the country to get behind him in his plans for the nation.

acting presidential“Cures to illnesses that have always plagued us are not too much to hope. American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream. Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect. And streets where mothers are safe from fear — schools where children learn in peace — and jobs where Americans prosper and grow — are not too much to ask,” Trump said.  He added that he was “asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country.”

However, the most stirring moment of the speech came when he spoke directly to Carryn Owens, the widow of Navy Chief William “Ryan” Owens, who was killed in the military raid in Yemen that was ordered by Trump shortly after taking office.

“Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity,” Trump said. “Ryan died as he lived: a warrior and a hero.”

He then led a 2-minute standing ovation as Carryn Owens stood, crying and clasping her hands.

“Ryan is looking down right now. You know that. And I think he’s very happy because you just broke a record,” Trump said, joking about the length of the applause.

“For as the Bible teaches us, there is no greater act of love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,” Trump said. “Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom — we will never forget him.”


acting presidential
The family of Ryan Owens


CNN contributor Van Jones, who once worked for the Obama White House and supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election was surprised at the performance and actually praised Donald Trump.

“He became President of the United States in that moment, period,” Jones said of Trump’s moment honoring the fallen Navy officer. “That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics.”

Jones added: “If he finds a way to do that over and over again, he’s going to be there for 8 years.”


What did you think of Donald Trump’s first congressional address?



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
The night Donald Trump was
actually acting presidential.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Thanks DJ for this detailed summary of Trump's speech last night.

    The truth is, I can't stomach listening to the guy for even 2 seconds so nooo…I didn't watch it.

    But your summary along with listening to C-SPAN callers this morning AND also reading analysis of the speech by Factcheck.org has provided me with enough reliable information to help form an opinion of his speech.

    First: Trump is nothing if not a 2-bit con-man who knows how to *act* the part. With him (and his staff) feeling the burning heat of the hot lights of intense media scrutiny of his sham of a presidency…which has thus far been defined mostly by chaos, confusion and rank incompetency… Trump knew darn well what was at stake. So it seems he managed to give a decent performance last night.

    (Side-note) I listened to CSPAN callers for about an hour this morning and i must say, most callers were NOT that impressed with his speech, if impressed at all, and that includes a number of Repub callers. Most callers expressed that WE should all "WATCH" what Trump does and "not just listen" to what he says. And we should LISTEN intently.

    To me, he's the same guy today that he was yesterday …and the day before that …and the day before that. Which is to say, until he proves to be otherwise, he is still a dangerous clown, who is NOT to be believed or trusted – At. All.

  2. As per Factcheck.org…….

    "The president distorted the facts on jobs, immigration, health insurance, war spending and more"


    In his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Trump stuck closely to his prepared remarks, but ran afoul of the facts in some {major} cases.

    – Trump said the U.S. has spent $6 trillion in the Middle East and “with this $6 trillion we could have rebuilt our country.” The amount spent so far is $1.7 trillion, according to the Defense Department.

    – He cherry-picked the findings of a recent report, saying it found immigration costs U.S. taxpayers “billions of dollars a year.” The report said immigration “has an overall positive impact on long-run economic growth.”

    – Trump said “94 million Americans are out of the labor force,” a figure that includes the retired, college students and stay-at-home parents. The vast majority — 88.5 million — said they didn’t want a job.

    Note: Of the 94.3 million who were counted as out of the labor force last year, 88.5 million said they didn’t want a job, according to annual figures from the Current Population Survey. Barely half a million — 553,000 — said they wanted a job but weren’t looking because they were discouraged about finding one.

    – Trump said he would “promote clean air and clean water,” a vague claim that came hours after he had signed an executive order to roll back a 2015 “Clean Water Rule.”

    – And the president repeated claims we’ve fact-checked before on border security, welfare, job creation since he was elected, health insurance and crime. For instance, he said the U.S. left “our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross.” But the border patrol budget and number of agents have both doubled since 2001.


    The false and misleading claims in Trump’s Feb. 28 address to Congress touched on familiar topics to fact-checkers, including the Middle East, the labor force, immigration and more.[…]

    Complete Breakdown: "Trump’s Address to Congress"

  3. "The most remarkable and awful moment came when {Trump} talked about the Navy SEAL killed in the botched Yemen raid and used the man’s widow as a political prop. It seemed shameful and tacky to exploit the grief of Owens’ family in a televised address to the country. It was even more distasteful because Trump has tried ducking responsibility for the raid he ordered by shifting blame to his predecessor and his generals, and he continues to claim that the raid was a success when all signs indicate that it was not." – Daniel Larison, TAC writer

    But Van Jones was somehow impressed with that specific *act.* (rolling my eyes)

  4. DJ and Truth both said it right. He was acting presidential. It was all a act and I'm not buying it. This is the reason he wanted to be president in the first place so he can play a role and get all the attention. He sounded ok in that speech even though he lied a lot. But he will be on twitter in a day or two back to his old tricks. Mark my words. Like that old saying goes you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. I was not impressed.

    1. Honestly BD, I've always considered Van Jones to be just another political hack – even when he worked in the Obama administration.

      I've never liked the guy.

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