Comments on: Adam Schiff vs Trump GOP: ‘Right Matters’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 03 Feb 2020 02:25:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 28 Jan 2020 18:38:12 +0000 I have to say the Democrats delivered one h*ll of a case. If the senators were really trying to follow the constitution this thing would be over and Trump would be gone. Instead they are just protecting him. That oath they took was a total joke.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 28 Jan 2020 13:07:24 +0000 ‘Could Bolton Torpedo Trump’s Impeachment Defense?’

Thanks to some explosive new book leaks, the mustachioed ex-West Winger is one step closer to taking the stand today.

The unpublished manuscript of President Donald Trump’s former national security advisor John Bolton states that Trump explicitly tied withholding $391 million in American security aid to Ukraine officials announcing specific investigations, according to a New York Times account. […]- Barbara Boland, TAC writer, Jan. 27, 2020

TAC Reader:
I see John Bolton has just tossed the proverbial hand grenade into the impeachment trial and now Senate Republicans are scrambling for the nearest cover before it blows up their defense of Trump. The question now is whether enough of them (or even any of them) will care enough about due process to break ranks and allow him and other witnesses to testify or will they continue kissing Trump’s ring? […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 28 Jan 2020 12:59:26 +0000 “No constitution can protect us if right doesn’t matter anymore,” Adam Schiff

And let the church say AMEN..!

Schiff and the Dems have presented the most compelling case they could. And in a world where Truth and Facts and doing what is right (as per the Constitution), actually matters to Repubs, Trump would’ve already received a visit from a Goldwater-type GOP leader telling him his lying-azz, corrupt sham of a presidency is over. Time to exit. But to all of America’s shame no such Repub leader exist today.

So here’s where We are. Potentially “explosive” new evidence revealed by NeoCon John Bolton in his new book – and leaked to the New York Times – appears to be the only hope We have of possibly getting enough Senate Repubs to join the Dems in voting to allow at least One witness to testify.

John Bolton, himself.
