Comments on: Adolph Hitler Remark Lands Spicer On Hot Seat News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 13 Apr 2017 05:18:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:21:03 +0000 Hahaha yes DJ I think Spicer suffered a stroke because nobody can be this dumb. He is not a real press secretary. He is just always trying to find a way to defend Trump and whatever is going wrong in the White House, so he never tells the truth. They were saying earlier the only thing that comes out his mouth is alternative facts. Like Nancy Pelosi said he should be fired for just being stupid.

By: truthiz Wed, 12 Apr 2017 12:27:26 +0000 Yes indeed. We have "the stupidest press secretary in {American} history" working for the stupidest president in American history.

What an absolutely sad state of affairs for the United States. I am just so embarrassed…smh.

And if I may also add…………

I have never understood America's so-called "moral high-ground" when judging Others on crimes against humanity?!…when clearly Our own documented history provides Us with the Truth.

Slate reader:
Sean Spicer is moronic on so many levels, it's hard to know where to begin. To assert that the horrible deeds of Assad are worse than the Nazi genocide is incomprehensible.

But what is lost in the bipartisan world of "American Exceptionalism" and historical amnesia is what the United States did to the people of Vietnam: massive amounts of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange dumped all over the country on a regular basis for years & years -resulting in long-term cancer & birth defects for millions of Vietnamese. And chemical napalm bombs dropped on villages on a regular basis – literally incinerating Vietnamese civilians. Does nobody remember the hideous photograph of a naked Vietnamese girl running in terror, screaming in pain with her burned skin sloughing off after being drenched in fiery napalm?

Assad is a monster. But so were Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. […]

Slate Reader:
Not to mention what happened to the Native Americans. Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill would be like Hitler on a deutschmark. […]
