Comments on: ADOPTED RUSSIAN RETURNED News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:49:32 +0000 I've seen/read several reports on this story and the entire unfodling of events seems BEYOND "strange" to me!?!The adoptive mother only had the child fo 6 months(?)She reportdly told NO ONE (except her mother) that the boy was "disturbed"_despite the fact that the adoption agency has stated an agency rep visited the home in Jan. of THIS year and the mother claimed at that time that all was "going well"_(?)The adoptive grandmother later "assumed" parental repsonsibilty for the child_but again neither the mother NOR the grandmother informed the police OR the adoption agency of the "threats" they claim the child was repeatedly making(?)Then: The mother decided to put that 7 year old CHILD on an internaional flight back to Russia ALONE with "a note" basically saying "he's disturbed" rather than contact local authorities OR the Russian adotion agency_?!Maybe the child is "disturbed"_??? And MAYBE the adoption agency DID indeed withhold that very critical information??? Those 2 questions are valid and should be thoroughly investigated.However, none of THAT negates the FACT that neither the adoptive mother NOR her mother appears to have a speck of common sense. Further: IMO, the actions of the adoptive mother makes her totally UNFIT for the responsibility of parenting ANY child!
