Comments on: THE ADVENTURES OF NEWT AND SARAH News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:18:33 +0000 (Sigh…..) Can it get any worse for the Republican Party??? I mean really!At present ALL of the contenders vying for “top dog” within the GOP are, at best, shameless, opportunistic, narcissistic, LOSERS_be it:Newt “contract ON America/ “Christianity is the foundation of U.S. citizenship”/ I practice multiple marriages” Gingrich OR…Sarah “I ain’t got a brain in my head or an original thought about anything, you betcha” Palin_OR..Mitt “there’s NOT a speck of authenticity or honesty in my body/ I’ll literally say ANYTHING to get elected” Romney.And the list goes on and on….. WHERE, pray tell, are the intelligent, conscientious, politically savvy, Republicans???? Have they all abandoned ship? Are they simply not going to try to save their party at all?! If this wasn’t so bad for the country (losing one of the 2 major political parties) watching the Republican party implode, day by day, would be hilarious!But this IS bad for country.Nixon, Reagan and G.W. Bush have Killed the GOP.Talk about Unintended consequences _smh.
