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Afghanistan Falls Under Taliban Control

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The nation of Afghanistan is now fully under Taliban control.

Top News Today
After US military forces spent 20 years fighting the Afghani civil war, 2448 US soldiers were killed, tens of thousands of civilians died, and nearly $2 trillion was spent to prevent a terrorist takeover, Afghanistan is now the land of the Taliban.  Or, in other words, the time fighting, the lives lost, and the money spent was all for nothing!

Although other US commanders in chief promised to end the war in Afghanistan and bring American troops back home from the endless fighting, President Biden actually did it.  The only problem is that Afghani forces were not quite prepared for the aftermath.

Soon after US troops were pulled from the war zone, Taliban forces made their move and quickly seized control of the nation.  Afghani troops gave up immediately and ran for the hills.  President Ashraf Ghani also fled the presidential palace and disappeared into the night.  Without firing a shot, Taliban forces toppled major cities in the middle eastern nation — one by one — until it gained complete control.

On Monday, the scene in Afghanistan was devastating.

As a US military plane evacuated embassy employees and other Americans, Afghani residents ran down the runway alongside the plane in a desperate attempt to save their lives.  Some were able to grab onto pieces of the plane as it took off, only to fall to their deaths after the plane became airborne and reached an impossible altitude.

By Monday afternoon, President Biden was at The White House to address the nation and the world about the horrific events unfolding.

“I stand squarely behind my decision. After 20 years, I’ve learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw US forces,” Mr. Biden said during his speech from the East Room. “That’s why we’re still there. We were clear-eyed about the risks. We planned for every contingency. But I always promised the American people I would be straight with you. The truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated.

“So, what happened?” Mr. Biden asked. “Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country.”

The President said he had “frank conversations” with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the Afghan delegation to peace talks, earlier this summer, but they chose not to take the US’ suggestions.

“We talked about how Afghanistan should prepare to fight their civil wars after the US military departed, to clean up the corruption in government, so the government could function for the Afghan people. We talked extensively about the need for Afghan leaders to unite politically. They failed to do any of that. I also urged them to engage in diplomacy, to seek a political settlement with the Taliban. This advice was flatly refused,” President Biden said. “Mr. Ghani insisted that the Afghan forces would fight. And obviously, he was wrong.”


“I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country’s civil war,” the president concluded.

Not long after his speech, Democrats and Republicans alike ripped Mr. Biden’s decision to sit by and watch Afghanistan succumb to terrorist rule.

“These past few days have been difficult to process, and not because the Taliban’s progress was surprising,” Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, a Pennsylvania Democrat and Air Force veteran said.

“The naïve Trump Administration legitimized the Taliban by having ‘talks’ with them about peace and openly negotiating with terrorists, while the Biden Administration tried to fulfill a campaign promise without any semblance of a plan or forethought into how this would play out,” GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said.

“And where are they now? What are they doing to save the countless lives being brutally murdered by the Taliban today?”



However, Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona, a Marine veteran who served in Iraq, had a different take and said on Twitter that an “unholy alliance” in Washington kept the war going.

“Afghanistan was always going to collapse,” Gallego said. “Keeping Afghanistan low profile stopped many, including Congress, from seeing institutionally how weak it was and asking for hard reforms or a quicker exit.”

So, what does Taliban control of Afghanistan mean for America and the world going forward?


The good news is that American forces will no longer risk their lives to fight an unending civil war in a nation clear across the globe.  However, the bad news is that a terrorist organization now has its own nation and will be able to harbor all the “bad guys” of the world without recourse.  Additionally, the US has no diplomatic ties with the Taliban, so there will be no negotiating from here on out.  Whatever the Taliban wants is what the Taliban will get.

Twenty years, thousands of deaths, and trillions of dollars later, we have nothing to show for it.


OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Afghanistan falls to the Taliban.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. [“The naïve Trump Administration legitimized the Taliban by having ‘talks’ with them about peace and openly negotiating with terrorists, while the Biden Administration tried to fulfill a campaign promise without any semblance of a plan or forethought into how this would play out,” GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said.

    “And where are they now? What are they doing to save the countless lives being brutally murdered by the Taliban today?” ]

    Basically they’re standing around looking stupid and doing nothing. It’s too late and all of it is an absolute disgrace. I have more to say but first let me say this……

    DJ your entire post hit it OUT the park. Every point is On point. Well done and thank you! 

  2. Twenty years ago it was painfully obvious to me that George “Dubya” Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and a whole slew of Neocon Zionist-American warmongers and nutjobs were LYING Us into war with Iraq (who did NOTHING to Us) and then the occupation and takeover of Afghanistan.

    Their insidious plan was to take over both countries to STEAL their natural resources and remake those counties in OUR image (nation building) by first establishing a government of OUR choosing (a “democracy” that WE’re barely clinging to in Our own country). And also to protect Israel.

    WE (the majority of Black Americans) knew it was all LIES and utter bullsh*t and WE wanted NO parts of any of it.

    WE supported NONE of it.

  3. The truth is, 6 presidents are responsible for these crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan including Ronald Reagan, G. H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, “G. Dubya” Bush, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden (with Biden being the least responsible for continuing this 20 year foreign occupation LIE) which has resulted in so much death, destruction, injury and loss.

    Biden was right to want to end it. But my Lord! Could he and his foreign policy advisors have done a more dreadful job at developing a plan to humanely execute it!?!

    A catastrophic Failure doesn’t even begin to describe it.

    I’m heartbroken and sick to my stomach about it.

    1. Don’t leave out Trump. That clown sat down and had a meeting with the Taliban like he was talking to some foreign dignitary.

      1. Oh man BD. How did I forget that slimy rodent!?! That makes it 7 presidents.

        Thanks BD!

  4. Getting out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do. But the way they did it is where the problem is. I think there is more to this story than we know about right now. But the fact of the matter is this was Bidens first foreign policy move and it looks bad.

  5. And let me also add these worthy cretins to the list of war mongers…..

    The American mainstream news media, especially cable news and newspapers. CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal et al.

    None of them gave a d*mn about presenting the Truth to the American people regarding the 9/11 attack and our so-called retaliation for the attacks. They jumped on board and parroted EVERY LIE spewed from the lips of George W. Bush/ Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld cabal. Newspaper heavyweights like Judith Miller couldn’t sell her soul and credibility fast enough doing Cheney’s bidding.

    NeoCon war-mongers and military war profiteers were given prime timeslots on tv to LIE their azzez off to the American people. Will the American people ever demand the cretins MOST responsible for this mess be held accountable?

    To my sorrow and shame…the answer is No.

  6. “Up to 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after Taliban takeover”

    As many as 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after the Taliban’s takeover of the country, Biden administration officials told Senate staffers Tuesday, two aides said.  

    Two Senate aides confirmed that they were given that figure in a briefing led by national security and defense officials.  

    The Washington Post first reported that the staffers were told that 10,000 to 15,000 U.S. citizens remain in the country.  

    U.S. officials are racing to get Americans and others out of the country. […] – NBC News, Aug. 17, 2021

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