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Age and Race Decide Election 2014

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June 26, 2014

unbiased political news Democrat Republican election

Unbiased Political News –
Age and Race Decide Election 2014
Age and race/racism were front and center in Tuesday’s nationwide primary elections, with age and experience winning out in the end.

unbiased political news Democrat Republican election

Unbiased Political News
Sen. Thad Cochran beat his Republican challenger, Chris McDaniel, in a nail-biter in Mississippi. McDaniel won the original primary race, but was forced into a run-off against the incumbent Cochran after he failed to win at least 50% of the vote.  However, some overtly racist public comments by McDaniel were his eventual demise, as African-American voters from the Democratic party ended up rallying behind Cochran and helping him to defeat McDaniel in the end.

unbiased political news Democrat Republican electionIn New York City, a “much-too-close-to-call” race between 22 term congressman Charles Rangel and his Democratic challenger, Adriano Espaillat, wasn’t officially decided until yesterday.

Rangel, an African-American, has presided over his district in Harlem for 44 years.  However, recent redistricting shifted huge Hispanic neighborhoods into Rangel’s district, giving the Dominican Espaillat a fighting chance to oust the incumbent Rangel.

Unbiased Political News
With a history of ethics charges against him,  an insurgence of Hispanic voters in his predominately black district, combined with his advanced age and the need for “new blood” in Washington, Rangel fought his toughest reelection battle yet, which came exceeding close to ending in defeat late Tuesday night.  However, with a final tally of 47% to 44% the 84-year-old Rangel defeated Espaillat, prompting Rangel to announce that this would be his last election.

OK WASSUP! covers unbiased political news.  
Today’s article:  How age and race decided Election 2014.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Re: Cochran's win over McDaniel

    Sadly, the racist history of certain states…such as Mississippi…pricks at my heart so much that I honestly can't bring myself to give a hoot about anything that happens in those states.

    Re: Rangel's win

    The fact that he's been voted into that position time and time again (22 terms totaling 44 yrs) is just another stark example of why I support term limits.

    If the American people really want to know HOW this country has ended up in such bad shape? I mean…We can't even deliver quality service to Our veterans for crying out loud!

    The American people, need look no further for the answer……than to Ourselves. The American voter.

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