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Aliens Are Already Here And Look Like Us!

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Do you have the feeling that we’re not alone in our universe?  Do you believe that aliens may exist, or, more importantly, are already walking among us?  Read on…

The subject of aliens grew in popularity recently due to 2 unexpected admissions from the Pentagon.  First, the US government released a previously classified video of an Air Force pilot tracking an unidentified flying object. They then admitted to a secret program that has been searching for aliens for several years now.

Does the government already know something we don’t know? Could they be slowly preparing us for a historical announcement that aliens are very real and are already here on earth??


When we think of aliens, we think of the stereotypical sci-fi image of little green men with deformed heads and large eyes.  However, what if alien life didn’t look like that at all, but rather looked very much like us?

According to a new study from the University of Oxford, alien life might very well be subject to the same — or similar — evolutionary processes as we are.  Or, aliens could have once looked like little green men but could have since evolved into a human form just as we did.

Sam Levin, a researcher in the university’s Department of Zoology, said that the study offers “an alternative approach, which is to use evolutionary theory to make predictions that are independent of Earth’s details.”

The researchers concluded that major evolutionary transitions may have occurred in space, just as they did here on earth when crawling and hopping animals transitioned into modern humans of today.

“A fundamental task for astrobiologists (those who study life in the cosmos) is thinking about what extra-terrestrial life might be like. But making predictions about aliens is hard,” Levin hypothesized. “We only have one example of life – life on Earth — to extrapolate from. Past approaches in the field of astrobiology have been largely mechanistic, taking what we see on Earth, and what we know about chemistry, geology, and physics to make predictions about aliens. By predicting that aliens have undergone major transitions – which is how complexity has arisen in species on earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us.”

So, in other words, that co-worker or neighbor whom you consider to be strange and inarticulate might be an actual alien.  SERIOUSLY!

‘Like humans, we predict that they are made-up of a hierarchy of entities, which all cooperate to produce an alien. At each level of the organism, there will be mechanisms in place to eliminate conflict, maintain cooperation, and keep the organism functioning. We can even offer some examples of what these mechanisms will be.There are potentially hundreds of thousands of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. We can’t say whether or not we’re alone on Earth, but we have taken a small step forward in answering, if we’re not alone, what our neighbors are like.’ – Sam Levin


AliensAnother theory that has been floating around for some time now is that aliens and spirits/ghosts are one in the same.  The thought is that when we die, our souls continue to exist on a higher level in the universe.  The concept of heaven is actually a planet, or star, or galaxy far away and far more advanced than what we know.

So, when people say they felt a “spirit” or saw a “ghost,” what they may have felt or saw is what we sometimes refer to as an alien.  When people say they saw a UFO, what they may have seen is a higher life form transporting our souls from death to another way of life. Instead of the separation of science and religion, perhaps they are actually one in the same.

Do you believe in aliens, or at least the concept of a life form much more advanced than our own?  If so, could aliens and spirits be one in the same?  Are they already walking among us?



OK WASSUP! discusses Science News:
Are aliens already here, procreating and, looking like us?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I have to give it to you. The thing about aliens and spirits being the same thing is interesting. I don’t doubt they could be walking around us all the time.

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