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Alt-Right Is Merely White Supremacy Rebranded

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Alt-Right = White Supremacy
Alt-Right = White Supremacy

Current Events –
Alt-Right Is Merely
White Supremacy Rebranded

Stop using the term “alt-right.” Just stop it! There’s no such thing. Alt-right is merely a rebranding of white supremacy and it’s high-time everybody knows it!


Current Events
Imagine if the Ku Klux Klan rebranded themselves as the “White Preservationist Society?” Would anyone actually believe they’re not the same old racist group of misfits they always were simply because of a newly adopted name? Well, that’s what’s happening with white supremacists attempting to rebrand themselves as the more palatable “alt-right.” However, do not be fooled.  Just because you put lipstick on a pig doesn’t mean it’s no longer a pig!

The ever increasing visibility and political capital being handed to white nationalism is nothing short of a danger to our very democracy. Allowing neo-Nazis and supremacists to disguise their abhorrent beliefs as if it’s somehow no longer abhorrent merely contributes to the normalization of such extremism. So, allowing the term alt-right whitewashes the hate and bigotry that is hiding just beneath the surface, and is a slap in the face to minorities and all citizens.

Steve Bannon

Donald Trump’s campaign chair and incoming White House special advisor and strategist, Steve Bannon, has frequently been referred to as a member of the alt-right. However, one look at Bannon’s body of work while head honcho of the ultra-conservative Breitbart News, and it will be clear that Bannon is a poster boy for white supremacy. Don’t let the Trump team whitewash the truth about the man who will soon sit 10 steps from the Oval Office.

During his tenure at Breitbart, Bannon made sure that the news site was a repository of overt racism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitic rhetoric. In fact, Bannon once bragged “We’re the platform for the alt-right,” as if it were some sort of badge of honor.

However, it’s time to be clear: the term “alt-right” is the equivalent of dressing up white supremacy in black-tie and tails. No matter what we call it, white supremacy is still white supremacy and it’s beyond time we recognized the truth and put an end to the semantic nonsense!


OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Alt-right = white supremacy.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. …it’s time to be clear: the term “alt-right” is the equivalent of dressing up white supremacy in black-tie and tails. No matter what we call it, white supremacy is still white supremacy and it’s beyond time we recognized the truth and put an end to the semantic nonsense! [….]

    And the let the Church say A-A-A-A-MEN!

    Hey DJ. Just keep doing what you've been doing- giving Us the Truth – straight-up NO chaser. HAH. Just the way I like it..!

    Btw- I await the day you rip those twin harlots a new one. American cable news media and the polling industry.

    Cable news being mostly a propaganda mill now. And pollsters being mostly just plain frauds.

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