Political data mining company Cambridge Analytica has braggadociously admitted that it used social media giant Facebook to help Donald Trump win The White House. The only problem is the firm not only stole and retained the personal information of 50 million Facebook users without their consent, but it also planted hundreds of “fake news” propaganda stories across Facebook in order to slant public opinion and, in turn, the election in Trump’s favor.
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Cambridge Analytica, which has offices in New York, Washington, and London, is owned by top Trump donor and hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer. Interestingly, the firm’s vice-president was Steve Bannon, Trump’s former campaign manager, and senior advisor. Needless to say, their intentions were partisan and never pure, since the Mercer/Bannon company gained access to and then used the personal information of unsuspecting Facebook users (and all of their friends) for their own political gain. A whistleblower inside the company has since come forward to tell all!

In 2016, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg went on the defensive, saying it would be “pretty crazy” to believe that “fake news on Facebook…influenced the election in any way.” The social media behemoth also claimed that Cambridge Analytica never obtained any user information without their consent. Now, Zuckerberg is forced to admit that yes, the firm did steal user data and that he has no idea if that information has since been deleted or is still floating on the firm’s servers.
Zuckerberg’s admission has understandably caused general bedlam and outrage among Facebook users over the loss of their privacy. Additionally, US and European lawmakers have since demanded formal hearings, investigations are now underway by the Federal Trade Commission and 2 state attorneys general, and the office of special counsel Robert Mueller is planning to issue inquiries.
To recap, the Trump-connected Cambridge Analytica firm stole the private data of Facebook users, then conspired with Russian operatives to plant fake political stories meant to harm Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump — for the sole purpose of assuring a win for “The Donald.” Needless to say, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect the dots here. Or in other words, no one with an ounce of common sense should need any further proof that the Trump camp did, in fact, collude with Russia to affect the 2016 presidential election.
No wonder Robert Mueller is all over this breaking news.
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Last September, Facebook acknowledged that it had uncovered 470 fake accounts that promoted 3,000+ ads pushing Russian propaganda. However, by early October, it was forced to admit that the political propaganda scheme affected more users than they originally realized. Soon thereafter, it raised the estimate to 10 million Americans, then boosted that number to 126 million Americans by month’s end. Eventually, Facebook cowered to Congress and declared that the final tally turned out to be 150 million Americans — a far cry from its original estimate of 470 accounts.
For his part, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has gone into a self-imposed hiding, after realizing that he was a pawn in a Trump and/or Russian scheme to disrupt American democracy.
In response, Brian Acton, co-founder of WhatsApp, which Facebook bought for $16 billion, is now speaking on behalf of all Facebook users. In light of the scandal, he has created the hashtag #DeleteFacebook to urge people to delete their accounts and reclaim their privacy.
Since the Cambridge Analytica news broke, Facebook stock has dropped 9% in 2 days.
This is some scary stuff here. From what I heard not only could Cambridge Analytica steal Facebook users information, but they could get all your friends information too. Then they posted stories to change peoples opinions to help Trump. I can’t wait to see what Muller ends up doing with this.
DJ, you’ve laid out the table quite nicely on this topic. Well done.
Okay so where to begin? First – I applaud the whistle-blower for coming forward and Outing the entire rotten, if not Criminal, enterprise. Wish he had done so sooner but better late than never.
Setting aside Cambridge Analytica for a moment: I believe in one of my previous responses, quite some time ago, I disclosed that I have NEVER, trusted Facebook. My kinfolks and close friends will tell you that, from the beginning, I got on their nerves repeatedly warning them to stay away from Facebook. Thankfully, most of them heeded my warnings and in recent days, with the revelation of all this nonsense my phone has been *blowing up* with “You were right”…”Thank You” for looking out.
Second: I never trusted Facebook because I never trusted Zuckerberg. Something about him always seemed *shady* to me. And now in the wake of this whole fiasco being exposed (and still unfolding) I view his complete SILENCE on the matter -in order to avoid the public and closer media scrutiny about Facebook’s ACTUAL role in all this- as quite telling, setting off alarm bells!
To echo BD: “This is some scary stuff here.”
I also commend former FB execs and primary investors who began speaking OUT against FB, and the damaging effects it’s having on our society, long BEFORE this scandal broke. Men like *Chamath Palihapitiya and *Sean Parker.
Re: Cambridge Analytica
Frankly, I do NOT believe FB gives a d*mn about FB “users” which is why Cambridge Analytica was able to easily obtain personal info on approx 270, 000 FB users in order to develop a psychological and behavioral profile on those users -and then extend their reach to family members and friends of those 270, 000…totaling AT LEAST 50 million users. Done with the admitted purpose of EXPLOITING specific vulnerabilities (psychological, emotional, intellectual) of those targeted FB users.
Btw- I believe a complete investigation will find that the number of targeted FB user was higher than 50 Million – at least 60-65 million. But I digress.
Given all that we now know about the “business model” of both FB and CA -that the successes of both companies are derived from “exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology” ask yourself this question – how is FB any different from CA?
1. *”Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying society with ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops” -WashPost
2. *”Another Ex-Facebook Executive Rips the Company” – USNews
In my conclusion………..
We knew from the beginning that Trump’s so-called “presidential campaign” was a fraudulent joke. But given all that we now know -and continue to learn w/each and every passing day -I strongly feel that Mueller is building a case against Trump and his campaign that includes more than just colluding with Russia. For example, international criminal conspiracy charges tied to CA (and possibly FB), Money-laundering and other related financial and real-estate criminal activities.
That is my hope. That is my prayer. But at the very least……
“no one with an ounce of common sense should need any further proof that the Trump camp did, in fact, collude with Russia to affect the 2016 presidential election.” – DJ
And let the church say AAAAAMEN.!
BREAKING: “Facebook Shareholder Files Class Action Suit Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal Fallout”
Facebook’s share value has been in a tailspin as the depths of its irresponsible data handling has become known to the world. Salting that wound is a class-action lawsuit, filed today in California’s Northern district, on behalf of the social media giant’s shareholders.
Fan Yuan, the shareholder who filed the suit, accuses Facebook of making “materially false and/or misleading” claims about the company’s handling of user data—meaning the instances where Facebook or Zuckerberg himself addressed privacy and security issues and failed to disclose the ongoing Cambridge Analytica fiasco.
Yuan’s suit—which represents a class of unknown size—alleges that failures to disclose the ongoing situation with Cambridge Analytica has reduced the value of shares he and others hold in the company. He’s asking to award damages unspecified and any other amount the court deems proper. […]
From Reuters:
Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday that the social media company made mistakes that allowed data about users to end up with the analytics firm Cambridge Analytica and said the company would make changes.
Zuckerberg, in his first comments since the company disclosed on Friday the misuse of personal data, said in a post on Facebook that the company “made mistakes, there’s more to do, and we need to step up and do it.”
This is a huge deal. So basically Cambridge Analytica and Trump worked together with Facebook to trick us into voting for this shithead. Donald Trump is a danger to the democracy. Get him out of there now.
NYT Reader:
I guess I’m hopelessly old fashion. But since I’m over 60 years old, I can be forgiven.
However, I am an IT Director. So if the impression is that I’m old fashion in terms of technology; I am not being clear. I love technology. I am deeply into the virtual environment and security but I loath social networking as it has developed. I am a privacy advocate and try, in vain, to tell young family members who put unflattering information about themselves on FB, or other sites, it’s a bad idea.
Already our privacy is under assault in many other ways. But so many millions, billions worldwide, often offer negative data about themselves as if they are talking only to friends or family. FB and others have managed to create an aura of discretion to some, and others simply don’t see the harm in it.
Cambridge Analytica is, in my opinion, a good example. They were not simply gaining data to market stuff to us, without our permission which is bad enough. Rather the claim was by parsing the data, and running through their proprietary algorithms they could actually manipulate our thinking on a subject.
You may say that happens at any political speech. Not so: a message put out to the masses, with general logic and broad appeals is not the same as someone targeting you and based on your health, mental health, family situation and other highly personal information. I consider that victimizing and manipulating people by leveraging information they should not have in the first place. […]
Apparently, the mounting backlash against FB (primarily the billion$ he’s lost thus far) prompted Zuckerberg to finally break his silence and “say something.”
Frankly based on a few video clips that I’ve seen of him doing 1 interview (not sure he granted more 1) his answers, IMO, amounted to Nothing more than rehearsed CYA talking points.
Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill want answers directly from Zuckerberg. Personally, they can spare me yet another self-serving political dog-and-pony show that yields little-to-nothing more than just BS.
I’d rather Mueller find cause to subpoena Zuckerberg to meet with the Special Counsel to answer THEIR questions.