EMERGENCY: The Amazon Forest is currently on fire and at risk of burning to the ground. So, what is Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro doing? Trying to settle a score with French President Emmanuel Macron, that’s what!
Current Events
During its recent G7 meeting, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States collectively pledged to send $20 million dollars to Brazil to fight the flames currently obliterating the Amazon Forest. The only problem is, Bolsonaro said he doesn’t want the money.

To clarify, Bolsonaro said the ONLY way he will accept the cash is if President Macron FIRST offers him an apology for insulting his wife — a demand that is non-negotiable.
“And then we can speak,” he told The Associated Press.
Apparently, some bad blood was born when a random Bolsonaro supporter mocked Macron’s wife, Brigitte, by saying Bolsonaro’s wife was a better catch.
“Don’t humiliate the guy … haha,” Bolsonaro allegedly told his supporter, which prompted a retort from Macron.
“He said very disrespectful things about my wife,” Macron said. “I have great respect for the Brazilian people and can only hope they soon have a president who is up to the job.”

Now, a pissed-off Bolsonaro wants to act like he’s in 4th grade by refusing the money to save the Amazon Forest unless he gets his way and a formal apology from President Macron. Too bad his position completely negates the fact that France is providing only 1/7th of the money — which sort of penalizes the 6 other nations for trying to do the right thing and save the planet.
In case Bolsonaro somehow forgot, it’s worth re-mentioning that the Amazon Forest is currently on FIRE and is BURNING. It may also be worth mentioning that every 5th breath of oxygen every man, woman, and child on the entire planet draws into their lungs comes from the Amazon Forest. So, it’s no stretch to conclude that the fires in Brazil are near cataclysmic — yet the Brazilian president wants to play kid games and hold Macron’s feet to the fire with a “Say You’re Sorry” demand.
Oh, and if Bolsonaro’s infantile actions weren’t enough, his chief of staff, Onyx Lorenzoni, added more fuel to the fire by saying Macron “can’t even prevent a foreseeable fire in a church that is a world heritage site,” referring to the massive blaze that damaged the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in April.
Did we mention the Amazon Forest is BURNING??? Come on, little boys. It’s time to put the kid games aside for the greater good of humanity!
It may also be worth mentioning that every 5th breath of oxygen every man, woman, and child on the entire planet draws into their lungs comes from the Amazon Forest. […] – DJ
This. Right here. This sentence really hit home with me. And it should concern every human-being old enough, and intelligent enough, to fully understand what it really means. How it could affect our own individual lives.
Honestly, I try not to engage in generalizations, when it comes to any particular human group (male, female, Black, White, whatever) because it tends to be SO unfair, intellectually lazy and just plain Wrong. But there are rare times of exception when I feel that a generalized conclusion is indeed fair, justified and therefore most appropriate. Suffice it to say – THIS is one of those rare times.
Men -very powerful (mostly) white Men in positions of “Leadership” have really made a Colossal mess of Our world. Economically, Environmentally, Socially, Culturally, Politically…etc. You name it, they’ve really mucked it up. Thru rampant corruption, incompetence, ignorance, FAKE alpha-ism, Sexism, Racism, and Narcissism- Men are literally destroying Our world.
We need a lot more Women – smart, thoughtful, competent and capable women- in positions of Leadership…around the world.
This is almost as stupid as Trump is. There is a group offering him money but he wants to make a example out of one in the group with some foolishness? You can not make this stuff up.