Comments on: Amazon Forest Is Burning; Brazilian Prez Playing Games News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 03 Sep 2019 02:59:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Wed, 28 Aug 2019 18:58:21 +0000 This is almost as stupid as Trump is. There is a group offering him money but he wants to make a example out of one in the group with some foolishness? You can not make this stuff up.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 28 Aug 2019 14:19:55 +0000 It may also be worth mentioning that every 5th breath of oxygen every man, woman, and child on the entire planet draws into their lungs comes from the Amazon Forest. […] – DJ

This. Right here. This sentence really hit home with me. And it should concern every human-being old enough, and intelligent enough, to fully understand what it really means. How it could affect our own individual lives.

Honestly, I try not to engage in generalizations, when it comes to any particular human group (male, female, Black, White, whatever) because it tends to be SO unfair, intellectually lazy and just plain Wrong. But there are rare times of exception when I feel that a generalized conclusion is indeed fair, justified and therefore most appropriate. Suffice it to say – THIS is one of those rare times.

Men -very powerful (mostly) white Men in positions of “Leadership” have really made a Colossal mess of Our world. Economically, Environmentally, Socially, Culturally, Politically…etc. You name it, they’ve really mucked it up. Thru rampant corruption, incompetence, ignorance, FAKE alpha-ism, Sexism, Racism, and Narcissism- Men are literally destroying Our world.

We need a lot more Women – smart, thoughtful, competent and capable women- in positions of Leadership…around the world.
