AMAZON GO Is A Dream Come True!

Technology –
Is A Dream Come True!
Have you ever wished you could walk into a grocery store, grab what you need, then simply walk out — all without having to endure the dreaded checkout line? Well, your wish is about to come true with AMAZON GO!
Retail giant Amazon has created a trial grocery store in Seattle that will allow customers to grab drinks, prepared meals, and other items off shelves, then walk right out the door.
The secret involves a smartphone app, that will sign a member into an AMAZON GO store, then track all of the items they remove from a shelf. If the shopper changes his/her mind on a product, they can simply replace the item and the app will track that it was returned.
Currently, the store is on the ground floor of one of the company’s new office towers in downtown Seattle and is set to completely revolutionize the shopping experience. For now, the 1,800-square-foot store is for Amazon employees only, however, that will soon change. According to the company, it plans to open the AMAZON GO store to the public early next year, offering chef-made meal kits with ingredients for quickly preparing dinners at home.
“Four years ago, we started to wonder: What would shopping look like if you could walk into a store, grab what you want and just go?” a narrator says in a video about the AMAZON GO store concept.
Amazon has not yet explained its expansion plans for AMAZON GO. However, the company is also working on another grocery store concept that would allow customers to order food items online and then pick them up quickly by pulling into parking stalls. Two such stores are currently under construction in Seattle.
Check out the future of grocery shopping in the video below.
Sunday evening, Dec. 18, 2016
I rarely read, or respond to, any posts on the weekend, especially on Sunday. But this topic has stayed with me since DJ wrote about.on Friday. I took a little time to truly consider the ramifications of this technology- pros and cons.
The obvious benefits would be welcomed by many, if not most, Americans. But the down-side is just as obvious, if not moreso, than the benefits. The LOSS of jobs for lots and lost of grocery store workers.
Btw- mayhaps someone should warn Trump's (mostly) White working-class voters that THIS concept is well on its way to becoming a reality…probably sooner than we think. Undoubtedly the availability of such technology WILL send many of them to the unemployment line.
And who, pray tell, will his voters try to scapegoat if/when this thing really takes off? Seriously.
Pres. Obama has only a few more days left in office. He won't be around to blame – though I'm sure a few Obama haters will certainly try to anyway.
But I suppose Trump could threaten Amazon NOT to consider this concept further and do NOT try selling this technology to any grocery store. And his threats will work. /being facetious
No. They won't. .