Amber Guyger – Botham Jean Witness Murdered
Ten days ago he testified against White Dallas police officer Amber Guyger in the murder of African-American resident Botham Jean. Today, he’s dead.
Current Events
Joshua Brown was living across the hall from Botham Jean at the South Side Flats apartments in Dallas when off-duty police officer Amber Guyger walked into Jean’s apartment and killed him, claiming she assumed the apartment was her own. Last week, a jury found Amber Guyger guilty of murder largely because of the crucial testimony from Joshua Brown, who heard the entire exchange between Guyger and Jean before hearing gunshots.
So, why is Joshua Brown now dead??
According to Dallas officials, Brown was shot in the mouth on Friday night on the streets near his home. Police say a silver 4 door sedan was seen speeding from the scene after the shooting, however, they have no leads on his murderer.
Coincidence? Don’t bet on it!
African-American activists in Dallas are already saying the police “blue code of conduct” is responsible for Brown’s death. After all, his testimony secured a guilty verdict against police officer Amber Guyger. So, it’s no surprise that Brown ended up dead. Not shot in the leg. Not shot in the chest. He was shot in the mouth. For talking.

The shooting death of Joshua Brown is deeply suspicious. to say the least. However, it coincides with a trial against Amber Guyger that was already rife with oddities:
- The brother of Botham Jean announced in court that he forgave Guyger for killing his brother, then was given permission to “give her a hug” inside the courtroom.
- Several police officers were permitted to approach Guyger in court and comfort her after the verdict was read. One police officer even stroked Guyger’s hair as she openly wept.
- The judge overseeing the case stepped off the bench and embraced Guyger in a gesture of consolation, before handing her a bible.
Where does this happen in America?? When have we ever seen the friends of an African-American who was just convicted of murder be allowed to approach their convicted friend and provide comfort while in a court of law?? When has a judge, who is charged with remaining fair and impartial, ever stepped down from the bench to hug and console an African-American civilian and give them a bible??
Folks, this is NOT normal. However, the silencing of a black witness who dared to go against a white police officer is par for the course in our history.
Apparently, being a police officer and being White in America comes with its own set of privileges.
Nothing about this whole case – from start to finish – is “Normal.” From the supposed reason given for why she “accidentally” killed Botham and his brother’s actions during the sentencing phase to the verdict THEN the light sentence and the judge’s actions post sentencing. THEN the murder of a key witness.
All of it…Just. Weird!
Btw-(a little side-note): The young lady (“Bunny”) who filmed the Guyger shooting Botham claims she lost her job due to concerns about her safety, as a result of coming forward with the video. Don’t know how credible her claims are (?) But I caught a snippet of it being discussed on CNN Sunday afternoon.
Honestly, I feel there’s probably a lot more to all of this than we may ever know.
Okay let me try this again….(I screwed up the order the first time)…
Nothing about this whole case – from start to finish – is “Normal.” From the supposed reason given for why she “accidentally” killed Botham AND then verdict …to his brother’s actions during the sentencing phase, THEN the light sentence AND the judge’s actions post sentencing. THEN the murder of a key witness.
There is probably a whole lot more to this story we do not know. But we do know this young man got shot in the mouth for talking in court. That part is clear and we know who did it too. Also that judge needs to resign or get taken off the bench for what she did. I have never seen anything like that before in my life. Plus why are we as black people always expected to forgive and that is suppose to be some sort of great gesture? I cannot remember any white person being killed by somebody black and the white family saying they forgive in court. Sometimes we take being Christian and turning the other cheek too far.
“Also that judge needs to resign or get taken off the bench for what she did. I have never seen anything like that before in my life.”
BD, wasn’t that some spectacle!?! Yeah. She needs to go.
“Plus why are we as black people always ‘EXPECTED’ to forgive and that is suppose to be some sort of great gesture?”
And let the Church say AMEN!
(CNN)Two weeks ago, most of the country had never heard of Joshua Brown.
The 28-year-old catapulted into the spotlight when he reluctantly testified in the murder trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, who was convicted of killing her neighbor, Botham Jean.
Ten days after he testified, Brown was shot and killed — a victim of the gun violence he had always feared.
About three months after Jean’s death, Brown moved out of South Side Flats.
He tried to keep a “low profile intentionally,” said attorney S. Lee Merritt, who represents both the Jean and Brown families.
Brown moved to the Atera Apartments in Dallas, about five miles from his former complex.
On Friday night, an assailant shot and killed Brown in the parking lot of the Atera Apartments.
Witnesses told police they saw a silver, four-door sedan speeding out of the parking lot right after the shooting.
So far, police have made no arrests in Brown’s death.
Investigators also don’t know what the motive was, Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall said.
Authorities haven’t said whether Brown’s death has any connection to his testimony in the Guyger trial.