America Is Crazy, Thinks The Rest Of The World
Have you ever wondered what the rest of the world thinks of the United States? You may be surprised to learn that the world thinks America is crazy and they wouldn’t want to trade places with any of us for all the riches in the world.
Current Events
At one time, a US Passport was carte blanche and provided admission for anywhere on the globe we wanted to go. Nowadays, the number of countries willing to allow Americans in for a visit can be counted on one hand. That’s because they believe Donald Trump has TOTALLY mishandled the coronavirus pandemic and that Americans are bonkers for refusing to wear a mask in the middle of an ongoing health crisis.
Let’s face facts. Our racism and police brutality against people of color and civil unrest has made US citizens the laughing stock of the free world. America is crazy and everybody knows it.
A Reddit user recently asked the world to weigh in with their honest opinions on America. The responses were shocking.
Wow! DJ, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you doing this post. I just wish most Americans was aware of this site so they could read it because it is the absolute Truth. And you haven’t even told the half of it.
I learned the truth nearly 20 yrs ago, shortly, after the 9/11 terrorists attacks, which prompted me to educate myself on the general world view of America (our democracy and the actions of our government) and Us (the American people). That’s when I began reading foreign newspapers and sociopolitical blogs. And that education continues to this day.
Prior to the 9/11 attacks I had had NO interest in what “Others” thought about Us. After the attacks – and for the first time in my life – I felt so incredibly dumb, helpless and ashamed of myself for such ignorance and arrogance. I pondered how it had (until then) blinded me to a painful Truth.
What the world really thinks of Us and it broke my heart.
So after the 9/11 attacks I wanted to know just why the world had/has such a negative view of Us. To the point of even being hated by some!?!
From the cradle to the grave, Americans have been taught that America is the “envy” of the world. We hear about American “Exceptionalism” and America being a “shining light on a hill” for the world. There is America is “the leader” of the world. We’re the greatest this and the greatest that. On and on the hurbis goes.
And it’s all so relentlessly communicated to Us (all of America) by every conceivable method in Our culture, that naturally most Americans, including most Black Americans, believe it. And I would posit that until at least 25-30 yrs ago most of the world did indeed admire and envy Us. Suffice it to say those days are long gone.
I remember reading, in 2003 or 04, frontpage headlines of major European newspapers which asked (paraphrase): When did millions of Americans become so dumb?
Before the Trump presidency, we were generally viewed as mostly an uncouth, unsophisticated, arrogant and willfully ignorant people obsessed with materialism, abortion, guns, gays and immigration.
Without questions, the general worldview of America and Americans since Trump was elected has diminished even lower, as highlighted in DJ’s post.
Now they pity Us and pray for Us. (Sigh)…How far WE have fallen…smh.
I’ll conclude with this……….
I loss my innocence (if you will) about 20 yrs ago when I began to truly research the history of U.S. foreign policy actions around the world, particularly, regarding the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa and Israel.
To say the least- the view I have of my country today is very different than the view I grew up with, and had until about 20 yrs ago. Today I have an understanding of why the general world view of America is what it is.
I still love my country and always will. But the truth is, I will never see my country the same again.
When you see what people think of us all together like this it is kind of a shock. The person that talked about the captain pouring gas all over a burning ship really made a lot of sense right now. The world sees us and they are making fun of us. Some of them are feeling sorry for us. But it is not the world leader opinion we have been led to believe it is.