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America Is In Turmoil: ‘I Can’t Breathe!’

- It's time to end the crime of being Black In America

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America is tired. America is angry. America is hurting. America is burning. America is in turmoil.

Top News Today
Since the death of George Floyd last Monday in Minneapolis, America has taken to the streets from coast to coast to protest the death of yet another Black man at the hands of police. An unprecedented scene of peaceful protests combined with looting and fires overtook Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Denver, Louisville, Omaha, Des Moines, Washington, Dallas/Ft. Worth, New York, Atlanta, Oakland, Nashville, San Jose, Detroit, Austin, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Newark, Miami, Boston, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, and points in between.  The streets were filled with men, women, children, Blacks, Whites, gays, straight, the young and the old who carried placards that read “Black Lives Matter” and “No Justice, No Peace.”  They came despite the need to wear COVID-19 masks and delivered a very important message:  they are tired of being tired.

America Is In Turmoil

A weekend of havoc began on Thursday when CNN reporter Omar Jimenez — who is visibly dark-skinned due to his Black mother and Hispanic father — was arrested in Minneapolis while reporting live on the air despite showing his journalist credentials.  His instant guilt as a dark-skinned man along with the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubery, Breonna Taylor, and others only served to underline the message that being Black in America is a crime and people are just not going to take it anymore.



As the protests overpowered the streets of America, Donald Trump followed his usual playbook by pouring more gasoline on the fire and lighting a match to further fuel the flames.

“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen,” Trump tweeted on Friday.  He then added, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” parroting former Miami police chief Walter Headley whose same choice of words spurred race riots in the late 1960s.  Trump’s divisive vitriol was immediately criticized by members of both political parties, who were shocked to hear a sitting President of the United States threaten to shoot American citizens on their own streets.

On Saturday morning, Trump called an impromptu press conference which created the buzz that he was ready to be presidential and admit that America is in turmoil.  Instead, Trump issued a brief statement about his anger toward China and refused to take questions or even acknowledge the death of George Floyd and the ongoing protests.

America Is In Turmoil

By Saturday night as protesters surrounded The White House, Donald Trump was back to being the “Arsonist-In Chief” and still refused to issue any message of calm or unity.  Instead, he tweeted “If they had [breached the White House barricades] they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt.”  His message conjured up images of dogs being released against protesters during the civil rights movement.  Twitter has since removed the tweet.

Donald Trump praised the white supremacist MAGA supporters who stormed the Michigan State Capitol carrying semi-automatic rifles because they were angry for being told to stay home during the coronavirus threat.  However, he has remained silent and gone missing in action over the huge protests in virtually every city in America who are angry about the lives of Black men and women being devalued and being taken.


“When somebody talks about thugs ruining a place, it is almost impossible today that they are referring to somebody with blond hair. It is a sly way of saying ‘There go those black people ruining things again.’ And so anybody who wonders whether ‘thug’ is becoming the new N-word doesn’t need to. It’s most certainly is.” – John McWhorter, associate professor of English at Columbia University



Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made a personal phone call to the Floyd family then delivered a statement of calm and unity soon thereafter.

“We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us,” Mr. Biden said.

So as to not be outdone, Trump then made his own quick telephone call to the Floyd family but refused to allow them to ask questions or to even get a word in edgewise before ending the call.


America Is In Turmoil



In the absence of real and actual leadership from the current resident of the Oval Office, it’s important for someone to step up somewhere.  With America in turmoil, this would be an opportune moment for all of the former presidents to gather together and provide a word of calm and compassion to those who are hurting.

Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama should film a unified message to the protesters, letting them know America hears them and is with them.  Joe Biden should continue his messaging and seize this moment to select an African-American woman as his running mate.  Additionally, members of Congress should come together with bipartisan legislation aimed at eradicating police brutality and the presumed crime of being Black in America.

America Is In Turmoil

The time has come.  Enough is enough!



OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
From coast to coast, America is in turmoil.


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Great summary DJ. I waited a bit before commenting to give other readers a chance to their voices on such an “unprecedented” and critical moment in Our lifetime and Our nation’s history. Hopefully other readers will chime in. “In the absence of real and actual leadership from the current resident of the Oval Office, it’s important for someone to step up somewhere.” -DJ     I absolutely Agree. In fact, I would posit that in the absence of “real and actual leadership from the current resident of the Oval Office,” it’s IMPERATIVE for Community leaders and “WE The People” to STEP UP and put ACTION to words – doing all that WE can to put out the raging fires (emotionally and structurally). Doing all that WE can to clean up, restore a sense of calm, focus AND purpose within our own respective communities.    There can be no denying the fact that absent “real… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

That is what I am saying too Truth. In the absence of leadership this is when other leaders from the local level all the way up to Washington have to step up and fill the void. This is a national emergency and things have to change.


I waited before commenting too because I didn’t want to be the first one. But my question is, where is Trump? He talks about other countries and what they do to their people and mean while at home he does the same! Haven’t heard a peep about his country being burned down or the injustice that’s the root of it!!! His new policy No leadership is Good leadership?!


You do not need to wait Monique. All voices are welcome here. Join in the discussion any time you feel you have something to say.


Welcome Monique!
You asked: “…where is Trump?”
Trump is Not actually a “real” leader. He’s never been a “real” leader. He’s always been a FAKE alpha and a serial lying, 2-bit con-man. The man has absolutely NO idea what to do. And the people around him aren’t any more competent than he is (that’s why he hired them). And he ain’t gonna suddenly grow a brain so he’s opted for mostly laying low.
Hiding. Trying to run from his responsibility in all this. In other words, being True to his nature.
So yes…”No leadership is Good leadership” in Trumpworld.

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

(sidethought)……We have a “Killer cop” problem in America. Let me be clear. Am I saying that ALL cops are “killers”? No. Of course not. But I am saying this………….   Spare me the “most cops are good cops” babble. This is America. And based on what we’ve all witnessed over decades of law enforcement ABUSES, I don’t know that that statement is True!?!   But THIS I do know..”good cops” KNOW who the “BAD cops” are. And yet, time and time again “good cops” have absolutely FAILED to step forward to STOP a “Killer cop” as they SEE the murder happening right in front of their own eyes. Time and time again, “good cops” have FAILED to help victims of law enforcement brutality and other crimes. Time and time again “good cops” have FAILED to help identify, weed out and bring those “Killer cops to justice. So as I said,… Read more »


Excellent post DJ!! Every point is perfectly covered.   What has been going on in this country is sad but it should come as no surprise to anybody. This has been brewing a long time and it all just boiled over all at once. When I look at the list of cities where people were protesting it is enough to floor you. These people are not only mad about police brutality but also the climate Trump has created these days. The fact he has been silence should tell you everything you need to know. And the fact he called the white men with guns in the capitol ‘very good people’ but called us THUGS says it all too. At this point I do not want to hear from him. There is nothing he can say now to make up for days of saying nothing, plus I know it would not… Read more »


“What has been going on in this country is sad but it should come as no surprise to anybody. This has been brewing a long time…”
For what…about 400 years? Yeah. Yes. A mighty long time.


I just heard Obama put out a long statement today. Thank you for being the president this current fool is not.


‘Kareem Abdul-Jabbar defends protests and says racism is deadlier than Covid-19 in powerful op-ed’
Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar defended the protests in a powerful op-ed for the Los Angeles Times on Saturday, writing that while he doesn’t want to see stores looted or buildings burned, the protests are the result of what happens when black Americans have been pushed to their tipping point.
“African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as the flames burn closer and closer. Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible — even if you’re choking on it — until you let the sun in. Then you see it’s everywhere.” – CNN, May 31, 2020

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

Former President Barack Obama published a piece on Medium on Monday addressing the protests nationwide following the death of George Floyd — and, specifically, how he thinks people can move forward to “sustain momentum to bring about real change.” “Ultimately, it’s going to be up to a new generation of activists to shape strategies that best fit the times,” he wrote. “But I believe there are some basic lessons to draw from past efforts that are worth remembering.” His message overall stressed the importance of voting and participating in politics, particularly at the local level, where decisions on ground-level criminal justice and police practices are formed. The “bottom line,” he wrote, is that “if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make… Read more »


People dying of Covid. Millions out of work. Black men being murdered in the streets. Riots nationwide. You know what America needs right now? A President!


Welcome Darryl.!
Hear-Hear! And not just *any* President. But the *right* President.

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

“If Western civilization does not now respond constructively to the challenge to banish racism, some future historian will have to say that a great civilization died because it lacked the soul and commitment to make justice a reality for all men”. – “Making a Way Out of No Way”: Martin Luther King’s Use of Proverbs for Civil Rights
Yesterday I watched several speeches by Dr. King. If you haven’t had the opportunity to do so please check out the following: 
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Stanford University – “The other America” 1967  
And keep in mind – he was only when 38 y/o when he gave that speech. 
He was assassinated at age 39. 

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

CBS:   President Trump unloaded on the nation’s governors Monday morning, calling them “weak” for failing to more aggressively enforce law and order over the weekend, as some of the nation’s biggest cities burned in the wake of the death of George Floyd.    On a video teleconference, the president warned that the law enforcement presence across Washington is set to intensify later Monday. He said the protests are ruining the nation’s standing on the world stage. And he called on governors to pass new bans on flag burning, a constitutionally protected expression of free speech.   …   During the call, the president repeatedly called into question the leadership and decisions made over the weekend by governors and big-city mayors, imploring them to make broader use of the National Guard and other military capabilities.   “You’re making a mistake because you’re making yourselves look like fools,” he told the governors… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Wil

Trump unloaded on the nation’s governors Monday morning, calling them “weak” […]
Nothing like a terrified, angry, Old, buffoonish FAKE alpha whose immediate default tactic is to Scapegoat and project onto Others HIS own glaring deficiencies and Failures.
And THIS is the man who is going to “Make America Great Again.” …lol…smh.
Pathetic. And predictably so.


Inequities in the eyes of police combined with a racist dog whistle from 45 {THUGS} is why the streets were taken over. Yes, this is about George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Aubrey, but it’s also about being undervalued by those in positions of power. We need to be heard but we need to vote if we want a real change to come.


Blacks burning down their own neighborhoods. Where’s the sense in that?


In answer to your question I have but four words for you. The Boston Tea Party.


Saleem your referencing “The Boston Tea Party” brings to mind Crispus Attucks- “widely regarded as the first person Killed in the Boston Massacre and thus the first American Killed in the American Revolution.”
I’m sure you know he was of “African and Native American descent.”
Just a thought.


Crispus Attucks is a personal hero of mine. His role in the American Revolution and battle for African American equality makes him a martyr in my book.


I agree!


Welcome Nancy!
Makes NO sense at all. That’s why WE (who believe in Peaceful protests) speak out Against it. As does also Mr. Floyd’s family. SEE his brother’s speech to the protesters this afternoon.
He made it perfectly clear Mr. Floyd’s family is a “God fearing” who does NOT in any way condone rioting and looting. They believe in “Peaceful protests.” In fact, he expressed his family’s sorrow and dismay with the chaos, destruction and mayhem that’s occurred.
(paraphrasing: “If WE ain’t acting out and burning stuff down WHY are ya’ll?!”
And he went to say (paraphrasing: “Let’s do this another way.” The way to honor my brother is “VOTE!”  

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

TAC Reader:
Several years ago a football player knelt Peacefully and half the country threw an absolute fit.
Then they stood behind that unfathomable orange demagogue as he poured gasoline all over everything because whataboutwhataboutwhatabout.
And because ‘he fights’ – as does a thin-skinned fifteen year old girl shit-posting on Instagram comments. She ‘fights’ too.
And now here we are. […]

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

[San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich said President Trump had a “deranged” response to national protests that were sparked across the country over the latest death of an unarmed black man by police.   “It’s unbelievable,” Popovich said in an interview with The Nation.   “If Trump had a brain, even if it was 99 percent cynical, he would come out and say something to unify people. But he doesn’t care about bringing people together. Even now. That’s how deranged he is,” Popovich said. “It’s all about him. It’s all about what benefits him personally. It’s never about the greater good. And that’s all he’s ever been.”   “It’s so clear what needs to be done,” Popovich added. “We need a president to come out and say simply that ‘black lives matter.’ Just say those three words.”  “But he won’t and he can’t,” Popovich said. “He can’t because it’s more important to… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1
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