
American Coup, Civil War To End Democracy Is Coming!

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WARNING: an American coup is on the horizon. Don’t blink, because we could see the death of democracy as soon as the November election of 2024!

Politics :
No, this is not mere hyperbole, but rather the realization of a prediction from former President Barack Obama who warned that we should NOT take democracy for granted. Yes, there are forces working right now (as you’re reading this) to dismantle democracy and institute an American coup in order to get the job done.

American Coup
Clarence and Ginni Thomas

The case in point begins with a new article from SLATE entitled “Clarence and Ginni Thomas Are Telling Us Exactly How The 2024 Coup Will Go Down.” In the article, SLATE describes how Mrs. Clarence Thomas (yes, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas) pressured Arizona election officials to set aside the will of the voters and submit a slate of fake electors who would assure a Donald Trump victory — even after he demonstrably lost the 2020 presidential election.  

The fact that the wife of a sitting US Supreme Court justice actively worked to negate votes in order for her chosen candidate to win illegally is already a cause for concern. The fact that her sitting Supreme Court justice husband has remained silent and is allowing his wife to brazenly attack the will of the people is even more cause for concern. The fact that the Donald Trump-packed US Supreme Court is sitting in wait like soldiers inside a trojan horse in anticipation of voting season is also of concern. However, it’s also the GOP blueprint for the 2024 election.

On Monday, Donald Trump caused a stir when he posted a message on his own social media platform that well-known attorney George Conway described as “advocating or predicting civil war in the United States.”

American Coup

The message originated from the right-wing “populist” President of El Salvador who suggested that the United States is “falling so fast” due to an “enemy” within. A pro-Trump account on Trump’s Truth Social platform then commented “Civil War.”

Surprisingly (or, perhaps not), Trump reposted that message.

“Nothing to see here,” George Conway responded on Twitter. “Just a former president of the United States sharing a social media post advocating or predicting civil war in the United States. No biggie.”

His sarcasm was a stark warning — and it prompted others in the world of politics to stand up and take note.

American Coup
George Conway

Former GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman, a former National Security Agency contractor who calls himself a “Disinfo Hunter” commented: “Trump mirrors his base. Pay attention.”

GOP U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger tweeted: “Any of my fellow Republicans wanna speak out now? Or are we just wanting to get through just one more election first?”

“Tell me how … he has never egged on violence again?” asked Amanda Carpenter, a columnist at The Bulwark.

However, it was veteran foreign correspondent Robert Lusetich who said it best: “When will we stop believing Trump has the slightest interest in actual democracy? Elections are an inconvenience to him. He is a political arsonist.”

“After seeking to overturn his election defeat, the former president is now endorsing the claim that we are in a ‘civil war.’ Incredibly dangerous,” wrote political scientist and professor Brendan Nyhan at Dartmouth College. “How long until the next gunman takes him literally and/or seriously? What about the next time he or his party lose another election?”

“Trump’s suggestion of a Civil War appears to forget that on Jan 6 he and his forces tried that and FAILED. But the fact Trump can call for a civil war today is only possible because DOJ has still not prosecuted Trump–despite it being 502 days since Jan 6!” said attorney and frequent cable news contributor Dean Obeidallah.  

Donald Trump’s ego prevented him from ever considering that he would actually lose the 2020 presidential election. So, every anti-democratic act he staged, including the January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection, was strung together at the 11th hour in a race against time to seize the presidency prior to January 20, 2021.  

Now, Trump has had years to prepare. Now, Trump has Mrs. Clarence Thomas and her husband and possible members of the US Supreme Court in his back pocket. Now, the American coup and (extremely likely) civil war to end democracy and hand Trump and his ilk Vladimir Putin-like powers is in the works.

Wake up and smell the coffee, people!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Anti-democracy American coup may be coming!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. No, this is not mere hyperbole, but rather the realization of a prediction from former President Barack Obama who warned that we should NOT take democracy for granted. Yes, there are forces working right now (as you’re reading this) to dismantle democracy and institute an American coup in order to get the job done. […]- DJ

    Hmmm. Would’ve been nice if Pres. Obama had NOT been so tolerant of Repubs who did everything they could to try to destroy his presidency. He had a great vision for Our country. Proposed some great policies. He even sparked the imagination of so many young people during his first run. Unfortunately, he had NO spine to fight for any of it, except for Obamacare…at the last minute.   

    He spent darn near the entirety of his 2 term presidency (8 yrs) trying to achieve some mythical middle-ground with racist political cretins who hated his guts for daring to run for president in the first place let alone win the election…Twice! And we’re worse off today for his failure to SEE and accept that Truth and to fight for his vision anyhow!

  2. My disappointment in Pres. Obama notwithstanding, I absolutely Agree with him on this. WE take our democracy for granted at our own peril and WE could very well soon wake-up to a “new” and quite scarier America. An America where democracy has been replaced by an openly authoritarian Fascist government, supported by the majority serving on the U.S. Supreme Court and ALL branches of the U.S. military.

    An America where The U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights are treated as quaint little documents of days gone by and literally of NO value at all in the “new” America, under a new authoritarian, fascist government.

    WE darn sure better WAKE-UP!!!

  3. This is important information here. Too bad a lot of people are going to take it for granted and not believe it is possible. We better pay attention.

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