Comments on: American Coup, Civil War To End Democracy Is Coming! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 27 Jun 2022 04:56:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Death Of Democracy Is Imminent, Says Poll - OK WASSUP! Mon, 27 Jun 2022 04:56:07 +0000 […] Politics :According to a new Yahoo! News and YouGov poll, 53% of Republicans and 55% of Democrats believe the death of democracy is upon us. The rise of Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, the surprising willingness of Americans to hand over control of the country to a lone dictator in lieu of multiple branches of government, the increasing infatuation Americans have with following only Fox News and other propaganda media outlets as their lone source of news information, the perceived politicization of the US Supreme Court, as well as America’s fear that it’s losing its traditional White-Christian control are all feeding into the democratic demise. […]

By: GOP Extremism Is Coming, Warns Conservatives - OK WASSUP! Wed, 08 Jun 2022 11:10:13 +0000 […] Politics :The blatant warning comes from former Donald Trump lieutenant Steve Bannon and Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the conservative Brownstone Institute. According to the 2 men, if Republicans retake the US House of Representatives and/or US Senate, the government will be dismantled in a radical way along the lines of pre-planned GOP extremism. Or, to put it more bluntly, democracy as we’ve known it will no longer exist. […]

By: Mr.BD Tue, 24 May 2022 17:13:14 +0000 This is important information here. Too bad a lot of people are going to take it for granted and not believe it is possible. We better pay attention.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 24 May 2022 13:04:12 +0000 My disappointment in Pres. Obama notwithstanding, I absolutely Agree with him on this. WE take our democracy for granted at our own peril and WE could very well soon wake-up to a “new” and quite scarier America. An America where democracy has been replaced by an openly authoritarian Fascist government, supported by the majority serving on the U.S. Supreme Court and ALL branches of the U.S. military.

An America where The U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights are treated as quaint little documents of days gone by and literally of NO value at all in the “new” America, under a new authoritarian, fascist government.

WE darn sure better WAKE-UP!!!

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 24 May 2022 12:37:59 +0000 No, this is not mere hyperbole, but rather the realization of a prediction from former President Barack Obama who warned that we should NOT take democracy for granted. Yes, there are forces working right now (as you’re reading this) to dismantle democracy and institute an American coup in order to get the job done. […]- DJ

Hmmm. Would’ve been nice if Pres. Obama had NOT been so tolerant of Repubs who did everything they could to try to destroy his presidency. He had a great vision for Our country. Proposed some great policies. He even sparked the imagination of so many young people during his first run. Unfortunately, he had NO spine to fight for any of it, except for Obamacare…at the last minute.   

He spent darn near the entirety of his 2 term presidency (8 yrs) trying to achieve some mythical middle-ground with racist political cretins who hated his guts for daring to run for president in the first place let alone win the election…Twice! And we’re worse off today for his failure to SEE and accept that Truth and to fight for his vision anyhow!
