Freudian Slip? Trump Calls For ‘Abolition’ Of Civil Rights
Is Donald Trump the King of the Freudian Slip?
Current Events
On Thursday morning during a speech for the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, Trump was doing his usual bang-up job of reading from a teleprompter — and then this happened:
“Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides—from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights, to extending the vote for women—have been led by people of faith and started in prayer.”
HUH??? Did Trump just accidentally say what he really means on the inside???
The reaction to his unintended slip-up was almost instant. However, no one captured the spirit of the awkward gaffe better than The Root, which had this to say:
“Have you ever been watching or listening to someone speak, and suddenly the next thing that comes out of their mouth is something you know they truly believe but did not mean to actually say out loud? That happened to “President” Donald Trump on Thursday morning at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.”
Check out the enormous flub in the video below.