A group of white teens in MAGA hats are responsible for setting off a virtual race war that has taken social media by storm and has everybody across America and even the world shouting divisive opinions.
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MAGA is the acronym for ‘Make America Great Again’ and is the Donald Trump campaign slogan that’s now being called the modern-day KKK hood. People wearing MAGA hats collectively want to turn back the calendar to pre-civil rights 1950, when they believe Blacks and Hispanics knew their place and respected White America as the true majority in full control of the country. The MAGA movement is mostly behind Trump’s desire to build a wall along the southern US border to keep Mexicans and other ‘illegal immigrants’ out.

So, when a group of white, male teens from the Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky showed up last Friday to an Indigenous Peoples’ March in Washington, DC wearing MAGA hats, it’s no wonder that all hell broke loose.
The Catholic school teens were in DC for the anti-abortion March for Life rally, when they decided to make their way to the Lincoln Memorial. That’s when they encountered the Indigenous People of America, who were holding their own march.
Nick Sandmann is the smug and privileged teen with the smirk on his face who stared down an elder Native American male and has now become the face of the conflict. According to Sandmann, the trouble started Friday evening when he heard “four African-American protestors” from the Black Hebrew Israelites (a group of African-Americans who believe they are descendants of the biblical Israelites) direct “derogatory insults at our school group.”
Sandmann believes the confrontation with the Black Hebrew Israelites riled up his white male friends to a boiling point. So, when they were approached in peace by Nathan Phillips, a Native American tribal elder and US Marines war vet, they began to mock his tribal routine, make tomahawk moves in his direction, and shout “Build that wall” and other divisive slogans from the Donald Trump movement.
Interestingly, although a dozen parents were present and serving as chaperones to the young white teens, none of them appeared to intervene in the racist chants and Native American taunts. Now, officials at Covington Catholic School are investigating the confrontation and are considering expelling the students involved in the viral video that has Americans from every ethnicity and political affiliation on edge.
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For the past several days, the question on everyone’s mind is this:Â “Who’s at fault here?”
“I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen — that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African-Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.” – Nick Sandmann
Did the Black Hebrew Israelites spark the entire confrontation with their presence and/or words toward the white teens? Did Nathan Phillips spark the confrontation by performing his Native American routine in the vicinity of the high school boys? Did the white teens spark the confrontation by staring down the elder, mocking his tribal routine, and shouting the Donald Trump mantra “Build that wall” as proof of their privilege and desire for racial division?
In actuality, there is one common denominator behind the entire cultural and ethnic encounter:Â the red Donald Trump MAGA hats.
Just like the Confederate Flag and Ku Klux Klan hoods that preceded the Trump era, MAGA hats have become the new symbol of racism in America. Donald Trump’s years of race-baiting and white separatist encouragement are represented in the hats and is enough to incite a race riot.
Had the boys not showed up to the Lincoln Memorial wearing Trump’s MAGA hats, they would have only been a random group of white teen boys among what was likely a sea of white teen boys in DC that day. The Black Hebrew Israelites likely would have never felt a need to express their verbal disgust toward the boys. Nathan Phillips likely would have never felt a need to direct his tribal routine of peace toward the teens. And the white males would have never felt empowered to shout “Build that wall” toward the REAL Native American.
Interestingly, the Kentucky Catholic School parents allowed and likely encouraged their sons to wear the MAGA hats to the rally that day. Had even 1 parent recognized in advance the controversy the hats would bring, this national battle over racism would not be happening, their sons would not be up for expulsion from high school, and these boys’ lives would not be in jeopardy from those non-conservatives outside of Kentucky/Trumpland who control college admissions and future careers.
Thanks, to Donald Trump, MAGA hats are the new symbol of racism and hate in America. This conflict in DC was only the beginning and a warning sign of things to come. How long before the divisive caps cause someone to be severely injured or even killed?
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Are MAGA hats behind the white teens conflict in DC?
I am glad you did this story today because everybody has been talking about this for days. I think you have a good point. It was the hats. Like it or not these hats have become a sign of racism. When these white boys started walking around in a group wearing hats it stirred up a lot of anger. I don’t think those Black hebrews were in the right at all but the hats is what started it all. Like DJ said if they were not wearing Trump hats they would have just been some white boys walking around.
I’ll echo BD…thanks for doing this story DJ. Indeed lots of people have been talking about it for days. .
When the initial video-clip went viral I knew there was more to the story. I waited for more info to come out and now we have a clearer picture of what happened.
Okay so DJ asked: “Did the Black Hebrew Israelites spark the entire confrontation with their presence and/or words toward the white teens?”
No. They didn’t spark the “entire” confrontation but they do share part of the blame.
And clearly those Catholic students are also to blame. They were there to attend the “March For Life” rally. Instead they marched their sorry behinds over to the Indigenous People of America march wearing those MAGA hats, knowing darn well what they were doing!
“Interestingly, the Kentucky Catholic School parents allowed and likely encouraged their sons to wear the MAGA hats to the rally that day.”
There you have it!
Thanks for reminding me Truth. I saw that video from all angels and I never saw one parent or chaperone step in to do anything. All I saw was a bunch of white kids screaming with their shirt off and shouting at the native americans. Where were the adults in all this is my question.
(CNN)A Kentucky high school under scrutiny after students faced off with a Native American elder is closed Tuesday “to ensure the safety of students,” according to Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders.
On Monday, Sanders said officials at Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills met with local law enforcement to come up with a plan to ensure student safety. Sanders told CNN the move came after threats against the school and some students in the wake of an incident captured in a viral video over the weekend at the March for Life in Washington.
“After meeting with local authorities, we have made the decision to cancel school and be closed on Tuesday, January 22, in order to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff,” says a letter from school principal Robert Rowe that was posted on CNN affiliate WKRC’s website.
“All activities on campus will be canceled for the entire day and evening. Students, parents, faculty and staff are not to be on campus for any reason. Please continue to keep the Covington Catholic Community in your prayers,” Rowe wrote.
Everybody involved was wrong here. Still, where were the parents during this ordeal? As a mother I would have never allowed a confrontation involving my child to escalate to this level. I believe the parents may have failed them most.