Comments on: AMERICA’S ISLAMOPHOBIA News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 25 Aug 2010 16:46:45 +0000 “Fallout of Hate Is Spreading Across America from "Ground Zero" is just the tip of the iceberg.August 21, 2010 Excerpt: That the site of the World Trade Center has come to be known as Ground Zero illustrates how the American public has come to fetishize the attacks of 9/11. It’s not an apt analog for the physical destruction that resulted from the attacks on the World Trade Center. But it is an appropriate metaphor for the virulent and socially acceptable bigotry against Muslim Americans that has radiated out from Ground Zero and spread across the United States.One thing is clear: the feverish discourse about Muslims’ role in American society is not about the proposal to build an Islamic community center a couple of blocks from the World Trade Center site. Park 51, as it’s being called, merely let an ugly genie out of the bottle. The dark stain of Islamophobia had spread far and wide long before the controversy erupted. […]Read: <a href="… />And we should probably expect more Hate and more CRAZY in the days, weeks, months ahead IF extreme right-wingers get ANY indication their tactics are working. We could find out TODAY. An “Upset in the Making” could be underway right now as Joe Miller (Palin’s pick for Alaskan Senator) is poised to politically knock off a member of Alaskan political royalty, Sen. Lisa Murkowski. The votes from yesterday's primary are still being counted and is reported to be "too close to call." But IF Miller succeeds, extreme right-wingers will be even more emboldened which spells even more grief and embarrassment for this nation_smh. Absent a strong and decisive Voice from the Democrats the next two months are going to be beyond UGLY! BTW: The New Yorker is featuring an incredible piece of investigative journalism by Jane Mayer exposing and detailing the sinister actions of two very powerful (and IMO very dangerous) brothers:“Covert Operations: The Billionaire Brothers Who Are Waging a War on Obama”Source: <a href="… />It’s definitely worth the read!

By: Truthiz Tue, 24 Aug 2010 18:51:32 +0000 “When did Muslim automatically equal bad?”The short answer is…the minute it became:1. politically expedient for the Repubs and neoCons to use them as a "BOOGEY-MAN." 2. financially profitable for Faux news and other related right-wing media to use them as the BOOGEY-MAN;3. financially profitable for the Military Industrial Complex to use them as the BOOGEY-MAN. Clearly, those factions have a vested interest in keeping White Americans scared to death of the “OTHERS.” What’s America without a BOOGEY-MAN??? As Rachel Maddow correctly pointed out last night on her show…the “SCARE WHITE PEOPLE” tactic is in FULL-effect. And We are so screwed, as a nation, because the tactic WORKS. Not to minimize in any way the impact of 9/11. But MY LORD! What has this nation done to itself!?! We’ve turned into a nation of scaredy-cats….scared to death of the “OTHERS.” Osama bin Laden and company have got to be amazed at how EASY it was to get Us to defeat Ourselves_smh. Ingrained Fear, Paranoia and Ignorance. …that’s all it took:( Read: Scare White People
