Will the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court ruin the divide between church and state and spell the death of multiple American rights as we know it?
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Before the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was even in her grave, Donald Trump was at The White House on Saturday salivating at his announcement of ultra-conservative jurist Amy Coney Barrett as his choice to replace Ginsburg on the high court. Not only does Trump envision his 3rd Supreme Court pick as a means to assure electoral support from evangelicals and the religious right on November 3rd, but also as an extra insurance policy should the 2020 presidential election end with a forced decision from the nation’s highest court.
Donald Trump already tilted the court toward the conservative right with the appointments of Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. Now, Trump wants to send it over the top with the almost assured confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.
So, exactly who is Amy Coney Barrett and what should America expect from her once she reaches the Supreme Court?
Judge Barrett is a Louisiana native, a mother of 7, an ultra-conservative Catholic, and a Notre Dame graduate who not only worked as a law professor at her alma mater but is currently a judge with the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals.
However, there’s more to the seasoned jurist than meets the eye.
Judge Barrett is also a member of the highly secretive Catholic “covenant community” known as People of Praise — a group that adheres to a “highly authoritarian” structure.
Research into “People of Praise” has concluded that the group dominates members’ everyday lives. Particularly, certain designated “heads” or spiritual advisers are fully authorized to make major life decisions for its members — and members are expected to financially support one another.
During her appellate court confirmation hearing, the 48-year-old Barrett said that although she is a “faithful Catholic,” her religious beliefs would not “bear in the discharge of my duties as a judge”. However, this “Great Hope” favorite among Trump’s evangelical Christian base is also on record as saying she believes legal careers ought not to be seen as a means of gaining satisfaction, prestige, or money, but rather “as a means to the end of serving God”.
So, it’s probably a safe bet to assume that the separation of church and state will not be a priority to Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
“Whether People of Praise rises to the level of cult, I am not in a position to make that judgment. But there is a level of secrecy that was concerning, and there was a level of reports by people who left the organization of authoritarianism that [is] concerning as well.” – Heidi Schlumpf, National Catholic Reporter
Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Barrett are set to begin on October 12th. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are jumping through hoops to get her confirmed ASAP and to be ready to rule (in Trump’s favor, of course) and hand ‘The Donald’ 4 more years in the Oval Office if need be.
Naturally, they have much more up their sleeves.
The US Supreme Court is scheduled to begin hearing arguments to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on November 10th. Republicans have been licking their chops for years to repeal President Obama’s pet health care project just to further diminish his presidency. Amy Coney Barrett seems poised to be just the jurist to finally get the job done — although Republicans have no plan or program to replace it.
In the coming months, the new US Supreme Court will likely strengthen the 2nd amendment laws to allow just about anybody to own as many guns as they want, weaken or revoke laws that permit same-sex marriage, and finally FINALLY have the numbers to take on the piece de resistance: Roe v. Wade.
Conservative Republicans and evangelical Christians would almost assuredly dance in the streets if they could legally repeal a woman’s right to choose. The ultra-conservative and religious cult-like Amy Coney Barrett would be the deciding vote to hand Republicans their crown jewel and then (at least in their minds), all would be right with the world.
Of course, Joe Biden could also win the presidency on November 3rd, add 2 additional justices to the Supreme Court (with approval from a Democratically controlled Senate), and negate the dastardly doings of Trump and McConnell.
Only time will tell. VOTE!
Will the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court ruin the divide between church and state and spell the death of multiple American rights as we know it? […]
Wow. Two really great questions DJ. And really hard questions for me to answer given that how much My opinion has changed when it comes to such matters over the past 20 years and especially since the election of Trump 4 years ago.
I will say this though. It’s no longer clear to me that the “divide” between church and state wasn’t “ruined” well before Trump. I believe Trump recognized that disappearing divide and simply exploited that colossal Failure on the part of the American people (and the despicable politicians who claimed/claim to represent Us) for all it’s worth.
Her connection to the Praise people is a concern. If she gets on the court and starts making decisions putting religion over everything else that is a problem. A friend of mine was talking about this last night. What would people say if a Muslim got nominated and made decisions that had to do with what Allah wants? People would go crazy over that. It is the same thing.
You raise a very important point BD and I should’ve included that distinction in my initial response.
The merging of church and state in this country only relates to “Christianity” – specifically Conservative Christianity. Which from all that I’ve witnessed and read about the past 25 years is literally the Cult worshipping of Power. And not just power but Absolute power. Grab it and keep it by ANY means necessary for the sake of having it.
One need only remember to be sure to reference One’s “faith” when needed and/or simply hold up a Bible (upside down, right side up, sideways, it doesn’t matter). It’s just a photo-op. I could say more but I’ll stop here.
Re: the 2nd part of DJ’s question…….
Will the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court spell the death of multiple American rights as we know it? [….]
Hasn’t that frightening reality already begun as a result of the courts being packed with (ruled by) right-wing judges at local, state and federal levels?
“Elections have consequences.” – Pres. Obama Jan. 23, 2009
Mitch McConnell just got two dozen conservative judges approved yesterday. They are stacking those lower courts.
Yep. And Repubs have been doing this for at least the past 20 years. The rest of America is still mostly unaware of it and way behind in opposition to it via the ballot box.
WE (most of eligible voters) have failed time and time again over the years to vote in local and mid-term elections. Myself included.
Older White voters have always tended to vote in Every election. When I was growing up the same used to be true of Older Black voters as well.
And let’s keep it real. As has been widely reported by darn near Everybody- Black females have remained the strongest most faithful voters of the Democrat Party. If not for their overwhelming support the Dem party would have NO strong base to speak of.