Comments on: Anarchist Jurisdiction Cities Receive Trump Ire News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 28 Sep 2020 00:08:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:06:51 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.


If nothing else Trump has showed Us (and the entire world) the Ginormous HOLES/Flaws in Our Constitution, Our democracy and our Systems of government.

I shudder to think what this country would look like were it not for the fact that Trump is a total imbecile with absolutely NO clue about anything AND he can’t keep his mouth shut for a nanosecond even if his life depended on it. Therefore, we always know what he’s up to.

Nothing but the Grace. of God keeps Us BD. Nothing but the Grace of God.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:40:26 +0000 He really does think he is some type of king or something. I want congress to stay on him until he gets put out in November. Then we need to change the laws so something like Trump can never happen again.
