
Andrew Cuomo: Are The Sex Charges A Setup?

- Could this be a Donald Trump trap?

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Was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo set up?

First things first: this is by no means a disparaging or derogatory take-down of women in general or, more specifically, the women who have come forward to accuse the governor of sexual harassment. Instead, this is an alternate look at what has been presented and a fair discussion of all the possibilities. We acknowledge that all of the women could be telling the truth and we fully support them if they are. However, we would be amiss if we didn’t at least consider the possibility that things may not necessarily be the way that they seem.

With that said, let’s revisit the question. Was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo set up? The answer: there is a path where this is EXTREMELY possible.

Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo accusers

Let’s dive headfirst down this extremely possible path.

Last month, the US Supreme Court ruled to release Donald Trump’s tax returns to New York State prosecutors. The ruling was a death knell to Trump’s desire to keep his likely illegal financial dealings a secret and to stay out of jail. The ruling also provided a veritable treasure trove of prosecutorial evidence to convict ‘The Donald’ and to finally put him away for good.

Andrew CuomoThe New York State case against Donald Trump is powerful. In fact, some are already calling it a slam dunk waiting to happen. The evidence is there in black and white to convict Trump, no federal pardon can save him from state charges, and he is positioned to go to jail for the rest of his life.

That is… unless the Governor of New York saves him and issues a state pardon to forgive him.

Now, the chances of Gov. Andrew Cuomo pardoning Donald Trump in New York are about as likely as all the QAnon fanatics and MAGA sycophants and Fox News viewers magically backing Kamala Harris for president in 2024. Or, in other words, it ain’t gonna happen.

However, what if Andrew Cuomo WEREN’T the governor and a Republican were elected to replace him once he was out of the way?

Andrew CuomoUnder that scenario, the Trump court case would drag on for a few years, a Republican governor could be elected in the interim, the new GOP gov could issue a full pardon, and ‘Teflon Don’ Trump could (once again) get off scot-free and avoid all punishment from the State of New York.

Is it possible all of the women who’ve accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment are telling the truth? ABSOLUTELY. However, is it possible that perhaps 1 or maybe more of the women are linked to a political set-up of the governor in order to take down Cuomo and save Donald Trump? ABSOLUTELY!!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Was Gov. Andrew Cuomo setup?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Hey DJ funny you should bring up this question because I actually began to consider the same question about a week ago. In fact, last week I discussed the possibility of it being a coordinated takedown of Cuomo with my mate and also my #1 cuz (she and I talk all the time).

    But here’s where you and I differ on the answer. You’ve suggested that perhaps it’s a deliberate act to serve Trump. I don’t necessarily disagree with that possibility. But here’s what I was thinking.

    I’ve been thinking it’s a deliberate act by Dem operatives (behind the scene) to knee-cap Cuomo in case he was planning on running against Kamala (for president) in 2024. IF indeed that was Cuomo’s plan, I don’t think that’ll happen now. Not unless he’s as narcissistic, amoral and shameless as Trump.

  2. And let me also be clear……………

    I’m not saying that I think Cuomo is innocent of what he’s been accused of. Nor am I minimizing the fact that what he’s been accused of is reprehensible behavior.

    Last week I said I think he should resign. I still feel that way because while all of those women may not be telling the truth. I don’t believe that all of them are lying about (or exaggerating) what they were subjected to in the workplace.

    In short: Regardless of who is actually behind this attempted takedown of Cuomo, he provided them with the ammunition to use against him.

  3. I was just talking about this with a buddy of mine yesterday. All these accusations seem to come out of nowhere. It all looks too planned in sort of a way. The Trump thing could be real but Truth brought up a good point about stopping him from running against Kamala. Either way something is fishy.

    1. You got that right BD. “Something IS fishy.”

      I don’t think he’ll resign. He’s too full of himself for that. But he may not have a much of political future after his time as governor is up, whether he resigns or not.

      We shall see.

  4. And I almost forgot to mention……..

    In addition to being full of himself, the other reason Cuomo probably won’t resign is his constituents. The people of New York state.

    By all reporting he still has the majority support of voters in the state of New York. Now if that should change and they turn on him, who knows how he would handle that reality(?)

    But for now, the majority of voters are sticking with him.

  5. retrumplicants are afraid of Cuomo & want him out of the way knowing that drumpf  or whatever ratchet candidate they put forth in 2024 can’t  beat Cuomo. Also Cuomo won’t pardon stankin drumpf  so yes I believe that they are behind all of this. Keep in mind tho that it’ll be a cold day in hell before let’s the gopq run this state going forward

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