
Angry Clarence Thomas And Moore v Harper

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For at least the foreseeable future, it is now fitting to refer to US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as ‘Angry Clarence Thomas.’

Politics :
Let’s begin with an explanation. Conservative, White, Republicans recognize that their Grand Ol’ Party is deteriorating right before their very eyes — and that it is about to become increasingly difficult (if not impossible) for Republicans to win national elections in the coming years. So, what does a conservative, White, Republican do to stave off impending demise? They cheat!

Angry Clarence Thomas

All across the southern states of America, Republicans have been using the age-old trick of gerrymandering to disenfranchise Democratic (read: Black and Hispanic) voters in order to fix elections in their favor. However, conservative, White, Republicans wanted to raise the stakes and go a step further by introducing something called the “independent state legislature” theory (referred to in court as Moore v Harper). This was purposely designed to give state lawmakers in Republican-led states unlimited and nearly unchecked power over federal elections.

Angry Clarence Thomas

Yes, conservative, White, Republicans wanted to use the Constitution’s Elections Clause to their advantage by giving their state representatives absolute authority over federal elections. Additionally, they wanted to make it entirely impossible for courts, governors, election administrators, or independent commissions to ever question or alter their authority. Or, in other words, they wanted to cheat federal elections on the state level and then make it impossible and illegal for anyone to ever challenge their final say.

Naturally, Democrats and proponents of the Constitution and democracy pushed back against the dastardly scheme. So, conservative, White, Republicans took their fight all the way to the US Supreme Court, expecting the conservative justices to do their bidding and rule in their favor.

Too bad things didn’t go exactly as planned.

On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court voted 6-to-3 to dismiss the independent state legislature theory and to deny state lawmakers omnipotent power over federal elections.

Now, this is where Justice Clarence Thomas got “pissed” and turned into ‘Angry Clarence Thomas.’

Angry Clarence Thomas

Thomas (whose wife, Ginny, is a MAGA sycophant) is a strong advocate for the desires of conservative, White, Republicans over those of Black or Hispanic Americans. So, when his fellow justices voted against his wish to help conservative, White, Republicans cheat federal elections in their own favor, Thomas was livid.

In a bitter dissent, Angry Clarence Thomas wrote that the case was “indisputably moot,” that the majority’s reasoning on the merits was unpersuasive and “plainly advisory,” and that he feared the ruling would invite last-minute lawsuits over election disputes.

“They will arise haphazardly, in the midst of quickly evolving, politically charged controversies, and the winners of federal elections may be decided by a federal court’s expedited judgment that a state court exceeded ‘the bounds of ordinary judicial review’ in construing the state constitution,” he wrote. “I would hesitate long before committing the federal judiciary to this uncertain path.”

Angry Clarence Thomas went on to argue that by taking up Moore v Harper, the high court had given merit to a decision that “has since been overruled and supplanted by a final judgment resolving all claims in petitioners’ favor.”

Oh, and then he took his marbles and went home!

Angry Clarence Thomas

Yes, it was all legal mumbo-jumbo. Still, suffice it to say, the dissent was a means for Angry Clarence Thomas to vent his anger over the decision — and to utter a bit of legal “profanity” against the knowledge that elections will remain fair and free of conservative, White, Republican cheating.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Angry Clarence Thomas over Moore v. Harper


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I’ve already expressed my thoughts on Clarence Thomas in the past whenever DJ has posted about him. (See Samuel Jackson’s role in Djando)

    But I don’t mind adding a bit more to it.

    Clarence Thomas is that nasty dark stuff you accidently step in and then use the sidewalk to scrape it off the bottom of your shoes.

    1. Hey Truth you said it just right. He is nothing but that brown stuff you scrape off the bottom of your shoe.

  2. None of this surprises me. Uncle Tom been this way since the day he got on the court. He made it to where he is because of affirmative action and programs for black people like that. Now he acts like he is not black and cannot help anybody come up like he did.

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