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When Hilary Rosen said Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life, it set off a firestorm of criticism.  But why?

The fact is, Ann Romney has NEVER worked at a job a day in her life.  Granted, raising children as a stay-at-home mom or caring for elderly parents is indeed hard work, but it is not a “job” in the employment sense — which is what the comment was born from.

In a thinly veiled attempt to woo women voters, Mitt Romney said he could get sound advice from his wife regarding jobs and the economy — which is why Hilary Rosen said she doesn’t understand how Ann Romney would be an expert on the subject, having never held a job in any economy before. If we’re all being honest, her comments were exactly right.  So why then has everyone made so much of it as if her comments were completely wrong?

The answer?  Mitt Romney trails President Obama by double digits when it comes to women voters, so conservatives saw this as a straw they could grasp at to make a point.  Except, the point took and everybody jumped on the bandwagon.

Ann Romney once said she and Mitt were so poor in college, they almost had to sell off some of their stock just to make ends meet.  Does that sound like the life of any college student you know??  Or better yet, does that sound like someone who knows what it’s like to be an active working member of the economy?  NO!

Hilary Rosen never said Ann Romney was a bad person or had never done any hard work in her life. Again, raising children is hard work.  What Hilary Rosen said is that Ann Romney can’t legitimately comment on an economy she’s never held a job in.  And those words were the truth!

So, let it go Republicans.  It’s a pathetic stab in the dark to try and make something out of nothing.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Thank you DJ! Everybodys been running away from this issue for days. This was all the Repubs making a mountain out a mole hill.

  2. I agree DJ. All of the phoney outrage by the Romney camp and the Repubs is as you described "a pathetic stab in the dark to try and make something out of nothing" in an attempt "to woo women voters." The GOP is DESPERATE and grasping at ANY opportunity to try to score points.Here's my problem with people like Rosen: WHY PROVIDE THEM WITH ONE?! I'm a single, Black female and registered Independent. I was raised in an upper middle-class working family and I'm blessed with a good-paying job. I have NO children of my own. However, as the oldest of 4, I very much played an active role in rearing of my sibs. Also from about age 10 to age 22, I helped my grandparents care for over 70 foster children. Add to that, I've played an active role in the rearing of my nieces and nephew since the day they were born.I shared all that to say this: Pretty much all of my life, I've had a front-row seat into what it takes to raise a child/children. All hard-working "jobs" are NOT paying jobs. Nor do they necessarily require you to work outside the home. But it's a "Job," IMO, nonetheless: "anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility."Notwithstanding Ann Romney's wealth, how can Rosen, or anyone else outside the Romney family, so confidently make the claim that Mrs. Romney "has never worked at a job a day in her life"..?I thought Rosen was being presumptuous, insensitive and, quite frankly, smug. And Romney and the Repubs are STILL desperate.

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