Comments on: THE ANN ROMNEY REMARK News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 17 Apr 2012 13:33:42 +0000 I agree DJ. All of the phoney outrage by the Romney camp and the Repubs is as you described "a pathetic stab in the dark to try and make something out of nothing" in an attempt "to woo women voters." The GOP is DESPERATE and grasping at ANY opportunity to try to score points.Here's my problem with people like Rosen: WHY PROVIDE THEM WITH ONE?! I'm a single, Black female and registered Independent. I was raised in an upper middle-class working family and I'm blessed with a good-paying job. I have NO children of my own. However, as the oldest of 4, I very much played an active role in rearing of my sibs. Also from about age 10 to age 22, I helped my grandparents care for over 70 foster children. Add to that, I've played an active role in the rearing of my nieces and nephew since the day they were born.I shared all that to say this: Pretty much all of my life, I've had a front-row seat into what it takes to raise a child/children. All hard-working "jobs" are NOT paying jobs. Nor do they necessarily require you to work outside the home. But it's a "Job," IMO, nonetheless: "anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility."Notwithstanding Ann Romney's wealth, how can Rosen, or anyone else outside the Romney family, so confidently make the claim that Mrs. Romney "has never worked at a job a day in her life"..?I thought Rosen was being presumptuous, insensitive and, quite frankly, smug. And Romney and the Repubs are STILL desperate.

By: BD Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:11:08 +0000 Thank you DJ! Everybodys been running away from this issue for days. This was all the Repubs making a mountain out a mole hill.
