Anonymous Declares War On Trump!

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Anonymous Declares War On Trump!
This is no April Fools joke!
The hactivist group Anonymous has vowed to wage an all-out war against the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump. The group has promised to bring down a Trump website today, as well as attack his businesses and leak private info about him publicly.
Current Events
Utilizing the hashtag #OpTrump, the attack group began their tirade nearly 2 weeks ago by posting personal information about “The Donald” online.  They’ve sent out an all points bulletin to the hackers of the world to join them in bringing Trump down and stopping him from ever becoming the GOP nominee, let alone President of the United States.
For supporters of Donald Trump, this is likely disturbing news. Â However, for those of us who despise the man and everything he stands for, rejoice — help to put an end to the Trump-Train is on the way!
Welp…..if you ask me, these days it looks like Trump himself is actually doing all he can to destroy his own candidacy.
And I certainly hope he succeeds in doing just that.