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Westboro Baptist Church is known for promoting hate against fallen military soldiers, Gays and Lesbians, minorities and just about everyone else they can latch onto, by protesting and disrupting high profile funerals.  Now, they may have finally just met their match!

Over the weekend, Westboro announced their latest scheme to gain attention: they will protest at the funerals of the little children killed in Friday’s Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.  But in a move of fighting evil with evil, the group “Anonymous,” known for its effective computer hacks and activism, says it won’t tolerate the Westboro shenanigans.

Anonymous has now published the names, addresses, emails and private phone numbers of the Westboro members, to make them feel as uncomfortable as they make the families they picket. Anonymous is also spearheading a move to get Westboro recognized as a hate group, instead of as the “church” they masquerade as.

In a released statement and video to the members of Westboro, Anonymous said:

“Since your one-dimensional thought protocol will conform not to any modern logic, we will not debate, argue, or attempt to reason with you. Instead, we have unanimously deemed your organization to be harmful to the population of The United States of America, and have therefore decided to execute an agenda of action which will progressively dismantle your institution of deceitful pretext and extreme bias, and cease when your zealotry runs dry. We recognize you as serious opponents, and do not expect our campaign to terminate in a short period of time. Attrition is our weapon, and we will waste no time, money, effort, and enjoyment, in tearing your resolve into pieces, as with exposing the incongruity of your distorted faith.”

Ouch. Game on!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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