Comments on: ANOTHER GOP DEBATE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 23 Feb 2012 19:00:23 +0000 <span>…my pick for *Quote of the Day*   Paul Constant:   In case you haven't been paying attention up till now, the Republican presidential race has been a steaming turdgasm featuring sexual harassment, the joyous applauding of state-sanctioned murder, racism, xenophobia, idiocy, anti-gay bigotry, the lusty booing of uninsured people who dare to get hit by cars, and detailed discussion of how much control the government should have over the uteruses of women. Depending on who you ask, the current front-runner is either a malevolent Ken doll with a quarter-billion-dollar personal fortune, a white supremacist with a rock-hard boner for Ayn Rand who's trying to overthrow the party using some tricky delegate math, or a gay-and-woman-hating religious demagogue who, according to internet folklore, was named after a vile, frothy mixture of lubricant and bodily fluids.   In short, the only winner of the Republican primaries to date has been Barack Obama. </span><span></span><span>The more off-putting hate speech these jackasses churn out, the more moderate voters will run screaming from the Republican ticket in November. And if the Republicans at the top of the ballot are absolutely repugnant to voters, the down-ticket Republicans are likely to look worse by association.  […]   Read:…</span><span> I truly believe that, absent a national security disaster OR any further economic meltdowns, the President WILL be re-elected. And at the rate the GOP is going, I also believe the Dems will have good shot at retaking the House and regaining a clear majority in the Senate.</span>

By: Truthiz Thu, 23 Feb 2012 16:30:34 +0000 <span>More reax…..   Roger Simon:  I am sick to death of the media’s scare tactics.   Which is why I nearly jumped out of my skin when CNN’s John King said during Wednesday night’s Republican debate, “One of these men could be president 11 months from now.” […]</span><span></span><span>Read:…   Harris, Martin & Burns:</span><span>The phenomenon of a party talking to itself — rather than reaching out to new voters — was on sharp display at a candidates debate here Wednesday night marked by nearly two hours of peevish and often confusing exchanges between Mitt Romney and his surging challenger, Rick Santorum. </span><span></span><span>Even before the debate, an array of prominent Republicans, in interviews with POLITICO, were pleading for the candidates to pay attention to the appearance of tone-deafness and do more to show they desire — and can deliver — a more inclusive and forward-looking party.    […]   Read:…</span><span></span><span></span><span>"…and do more to show they desire — and can deliver — a more inclusive and forward-looking party."</span><span></span><span>Lol. Now THAT's funny!</span>

By: Truthiz Thu, 23 Feb 2012 14:15:39 +0000 A few right-wing _and center-right_reax to last night's debate:Ed Morrissey @ Hotair:Unfortunately Santorum seemed almost overprepared for the fight.  Instead of providing a brief response and refocusing attention on current issues like the economy, Santorum kept explaining, and explaining, and explaining, and added an apology or two along the way.  There is an axiom in politics: Explaining is not winning.  Save the explanations for your web page, not for debates.Santorum came across as measured, honest, and open, but ended up sounding defensive almost all night long.Mitt Romney didn’t do much better.  While he scored points against Santorum, he had to twist himself in knots to do it.Does this debate move the needle for anyone?  I doubt it. All in all, this was a depressing and mostly useless debate. […]Commenter @ The Economist:I think most of the "faithful" in the Republican party want to see a verbal butchering of Obama. Nothing less will do. More would even be appreciated. Unfortunately for these candidates, Obama is no easy target. Thus the gap between the desire (the audience) and the reality (these four on stage).  […]Taegan Goddard:The real winner tonight was President Obama. After 20 debates, his potential rivals have done wonders for his re-election chances. […]

By: Truthiz Thu, 23 Feb 2012 13:52:24 +0000 Sam Stein:"Rand Paul: 'It Would Be An Honor' To Make Romney's V.P. Shortlist"There have always been questions about why, exactly, Rep. Ron Paul has spent so much of his presidential campaign coming to the aid of Mitt Romney.The Texas Republican has refused to attack Romney during televised debates. He's also devoted a considerable portion of his vast campaign resources to television ads that undermine Romney's opponent of the week, from Rick Perry, to Newt Gingrich, to his latest foe, Rick Santorum.Paul and Romney are reportedly friends, but that seemed like only half the story. The most logical explanation for the alliance was that Romney had promised Paul some sort of future role, either at the GOP convention or even in his administration. Some also speculated that Romney might have plans for Paul's son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)On Wednesday, the younger Paul acknowledged that he would in fact love to be on Romney's V.P. shortlist.“I don’t know if I can answer that question, but I can say it would be an honor to be considered,” <span>Sen. Paul said</span>.  […]Read:…So IF it turns out to be true_Ron Paul has been in the tank for Romney(?)_I'm curious as to how Ron's supporters will take it (being PLAYED)? Hmmm. Interesting. 

By: Truthiz Thu, 23 Feb 2012 12:59:18 +0000 <span>Aside from the fact that Romney *hall-packed* the event AGAIN with his supporters to give the ILLUSION that he *WON* the debate….   …something MORE sinister STOOD OUT last night to many viewers and there's quite a bit of chatter going on about it this morning on cable news (MSNBC and CSPAN) and the blogosphere, particularly right-wing blogs:   The "TAG-TEAM" of Ron Paul and Mitt Romney.   Apparently I missed THIS major headline posted on The Daily Caller yetsrday:   "Rand Paul says ‘it would be an honor to be considered’ as Romney’s veep (this explains a lot)" </span><span></span><span>On Wednesday, Chuck Todd, NBC News’ political director and host of MSNBC’s “Daily Rundown,” rhetorically asked: “Just what has Romney promised Ron Paul.” </span><span></span><span>Nobody knows if some sort of bargain has been made, but it is interesting that Rep. Ron Paul has never really attacked Mitt Romney yet he has frequently attacked more conservative candidates at just the moment they were beginning to pose a threat to Romney. (For example, consider his <span>latest ad, attacking Rick Santorum</span>.) The timing has been noticeable. </span><span></span><span>Now, a Kentucky media outlet. WFPL News, might be offering us a clue:  […]  </span>Read:
