Comments on: ANTHONY “It’s Not My” WEINER News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 06 Jun 2011 19:12:21 +0000 UPDATE: Mon. June 6, 2011If the NEW allegations (pics and text messages) turn out to be True, then this Congressman has a SERIOUS problem!HuffPost: "Anthony Weiner -New Photos Emerge"The controversy surrounding the <span>lewd photograph</span> sent from Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) Twitter <span>account</span> took a new turn Monday. Andrew Breitbart's website claims that <span>a new woman has come forward</span> with photos, chats, and <span>emails</span> sent to her by the congressman that suggest the two were involved in "an online, consensual relationship involving the mutual exchange of intimate photographs."The first picture posted on shows Weiner holding a piece of paper with the word "me" written on it, and an arrow pointing to his face. According to the website, Weiner sent the photo in order to prove to the woman that he it was in fact the person corresponding with her online.A second photo shows Weiner with two cats in the background. It was allegedly emailed to the woman from [email protected] with the <span>subject</span> line "Me and the pussys."A third photo appears to show <span>Weiner shirtless</span>. The photo was allegedly sent to the woman on Friday, May 20, 2011 via a Yahoo! email address that she claims was an alternate alias for Rep. Weiner. did not specify the email address but said a Google search for it revealed an invisible Yahoo! profile with more photos of Weiner sans shirt. […]Story and video:
