Comments on: Anti-Gay Marriage Video Makes Bigotry OK News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:54:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 13 Oct 2017 13:56:52 +0000 Thanks DJ, for bringing this video to my attention. I had neither seen nor heard about it.

Wow. Quite the cynical and sinister ploy, using reverse AND PERVERSE psychology. Present “straight” people, who are anti-gay marriage, as the outsiders, the “victims” of some form of discrimination who are bravely stepping, “Out” into the open, and publicly sharing how they feel..!?!

Well let me first disclose (as I’ve done on one or two previous posts)- “Gay marriage” is NOT for me. But I do support Marriage Equality because I have NO right to force my beliefs upon others. I have NO right to block two-consenting adults from marrying each other if they choose to do so.

You know, it’s taken years of truly growing up (maturing) and observing the world I live in (especially my own country) to deduce that the 3 main characteristics of “Haters” of any ilk (religious zealots, racists, bigots, know-nothings, nihilists, wannabes, fake alphas etc) are: 1. Irrational Fears. 2. Proud Ignorance and 3. Insecurity. And, in the age of Trump, they have NO shame. They just put their sh*t out there for the entire world to see and hear while clinging to the ILLUSION of their own self-righteousness. Sad. And dangerous.

