Current Events

Anti-Vaxxers Have Grown Out Of Control

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Thanks a lot, Donald Trump.  You’ve turned your QAnon conspiracy theorists and MAGA misfits into a bunch of crazed anti-vaxxers who have now grown completely out of control.

Current Events
In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Trump needed a gimmick to use in his fight against Joe Biden.  Since his mind thinks of everything as if it were a reality television episode and not real life, it was only fitting for Trump to follow the tried and true reality TV formula of creating a villain that everyone could hate.  He was already against wearing masks during the COVID crisis because he thought they didn’t look good on TV and were ruinous to his orange make-up job.  So, he decided to run with that idea and make COVID a divisive political issue for his own personal gain.


When Joe Biden and the Democrats stressed the importance of wearing masks and social distancing for the sake of public health, Trump purposely promoted the opposite.  When Joe Biden opted to hold small outdoor rallies with supporters remaining in their cars, Trump went to the other extreme and staged massive rallies where tens of thousands of supporters were encouraged to throw away their masks.  When Joe Biden canceled personal appearances in the interest of safety, Trump held huge events and parties at The White House where guests mingled maskless and in close contact as if the global pandemic was all a figment of our imaginations.  When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced they’d be the first in line to get the vaccine, Trump totally downplayed the shot as unnecessary — despite the fact that Operation Warp Speed was his idea and Trump has been vaccinated himself.

Biden rally vs. Trump rally

It was all meant to be a short-term one-trick pony to help him win the election.  Too bad it has since morphed into a dangerous gang of anti-vaxxers across such GOP strongholds as Florida, Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri that is so out of control even Donald Trump himself can no longer contain it.

During a speech last Saturday in Alabama to the traditional Trump crowd of MAGA’s, QAnon’s, militias, white supremacists, and anti-vaxxers, ‘The Donald’ recommended that his supporters consider getting the COVID vaccine (After all, if all the Trumpies skip the vaccine and die, there goes his voters and his donation cash cow).  Within a flash, the crowd instantly turned on him and booed him as if he were a bad singer on SHOWTIME AT THE APOLLO.

Anti-Vaxxers“I believe totally in your freedoms, I do. But you got to do what you have to do, but I recommend, take the vaccines. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines, but you got … [BOOING] … No, that’s okay. That’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know, OK. I’ll call up Alabama and say, ‘Hey, you know what?’ But it is working. But you do have your freedoms. You have to keep, you have to maintain that. You have to maintain that.”

Donald Trump was at a loss.  It was the first time he felt his own crowd turn on their leader and boo him into submission.

Ironically, several attendees at the rally later expressed that although they would NEVER take the COVID vaccine (because it was too risky), they were, in fact, willing to follow a risky recommendation from Fox News to take ivermectin, an animal medication designed to deworm livestock.

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA tweeted to Trump’s anti-vaxxers who have seemingly chosen the animal med as their 2021 version of hydroxychloroquine.

Donald Trump created a Frankenstein when he used his followers as a political tool to attempt to win an election he eventually lost.  Now, his tepid attempts to put the genie back in the bottle are falling on deaf ears amid a sea of boos.

Thanks a lot, Donald!


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Tump’s Anti-Vaxxers are out of control.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Donald Trump was at a loss. It was the first time he felt his own crowd turn on their leader and boo him into submission. […] -DJ

    Yep. And now even Trump may finally be realizing the Truth(?)  

    I’ve posited it before. Trump is to his “supporters” what Rush Limbaugh was to his “supporters” – a gloried FOLLOWER made up to APPEAR like a leader. When in actuality he’s just a FOLLOWER in a position of power with the BIGGEST bullhorn. As long as he says what his ignorant, hateful and crazy-azz “supporters” want him to say they’ll cheer him on. But veer off message – even in a matter of Life and Death – and those same so-called “supporters” will turn on you in a nanosecond. 

    Rush realized this Truth long before his death and he acted in accordance.  

  2. Ironically, several attendees at the rally later expressed that although they would NEVER take the COVID vaccine (because it was too risky), they were, in fact, willing to follow a risky recommendation from Fox News to take ivermectin, an animal medication designed to deworm livestock. […] – DJ

    Yes indeed. Heard about this a few days ago and thought to myself…….

    And these are the mental midgets who want to “take back” the country!?!….smh. 

  3. That video is so ignorant it almost seems fake. But you really cannot make this stuff up.

  4. I use to watch Frankenstein movies as a kid and the was the whole thing behind it. One day you cannot control the monster anymore. That is where Trump seems to be at. He tried to tell them in his own way to get the shot but they were not trying to hear that. He made this mess when he turned Covid into some Dem and Repub fight. Now he cannot fix it. Nobody can because these fools are too far gone now.

  5. I still cannot get over the fact these fools would take some medicine horses and cows take that could kill them on the spot just to not get the vaccine. That is not even ignorant anymore. Thats a sickness

    1. I believe ignorance is a kind of sickness too BD.

      But you’re absolutely right…THIS goes way beyond just ignorance.

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