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They languished in obscurity for many years during the George W. Bush era — out of power and dreaming about the day when they would once again rule the nation’s capitol.  Now, Democrats control the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.  A triple-trifecta.  So, why then has it been so hard for them to get things done?

Finally back in power, Democratic Senator’s are openly selling their votes, lobbying for pet projects, politicizing their agenda to get THEIR “piece of the pie.”  This “me-first” approach is bogging down legislation and causing grand standing and in fighting that is not only hurting the party, but the constituents it represents.

Are Democrats so drunk with power they can’t see the road ahead of them for all the fun they’re having along the way?   



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ:"Are Democrats so drunk with power they can't see the road ahead of them for all the fun they're having along the way?"Simply put: YES ther are "drunk" with power. But they are also incredibly cynical and STUPID. Unfortunately, I believe the same can be said for most politicians today, Dems and Repubs. They're in it for themselves and they're NOT too bright_which IMO is the main reason America has literally gone to the DOGS over the past 40 years! I left the Democratic party in 2004 and became a registered Independent. We NEED a viable third party in this country. We need politicians who are intelligent and really do give a d*mn about this country and the people they claim to represent.The bunch of LOSERS in D.C. now should be driven out with fire-hoses and then the entire place disinfected!

  2. On a somewhat related note:THIS video is a glaring example of the kind of voter that will vote an absolute incompetent MORON into the highest office of the land and then _AFTER so much catastrophic damage has been done to our nation_have the audacity to ask HOW did things go so wrong??? View it and weep!, Democrat politicians continue to piss away a golden opportunity to do some REAL good for this country and the American people_smh.

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