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If you’re reading this, then you and the rest of us were spared Armageddon, meaning the end of the world did NOT take place this past Saturday. Whew!

According to Oakland, CA minister and Christian broadcaster Harold Camping, the end of the world — rapture and all — was supposed to have occurred this past Saturday, May 21st.  Camping believed the Bay Area would suffer a world-ending earthquake around 6pm, while God-fearing Christians would ascend to heaven and everyone else would suffer for an eternity.

Well — it didn’t happen!

But don’t get too comfortable and think the end of days are a fantasy.  Just because it didn’t happen last Saturday doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the next 3 seconds, or next week, or next year.  And even if you never see the end of the world in your lifetime, there will certainly be the “end of the world” for YOU on the day that you die.  The certainty of death means the end of the world will happen for all of us at one point or another.  No one knows the day nor the hour.  So live your life fully with the knowledge that the end could come at any moment and when you least expect it.

Now we wonder about the guy who spent his entire life savings buying up billboards around the country to announce May 21st as the end.  Hmmm…

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"No one knows the day nor the hour.  So live your life fully with the knowledge that the end could come at any moment and when you least expect it."   AMEN DJ. Well said!!! And if those gullible people following that delusional man would have actually read AND ACCEPTED the scripture (Matthew 24:36) they wouldn't be looking like the world's biggest IDIOTS today…smh.   Btw: ABC News is reporting that:    "Harold Camping is “mystified” and “a little bewildered” today that the Rapture did not go as he predicted, an associate of the California preacher told ABC News.   Tom Evans, a board member of Camping’s Family Radio International, said today that Camping’s wife told him her husband is at their home in Oakland and has no intention to speak or issue any statement today or Monday.   Camping’s wife described him as being “somewhat bewildered” and “mystified” that events did not unfold on May 21 as Camping had… Read more »


Now see thats what I'm waiting on. I wanna hear what this Camping dude has to say now. Plus like DJ said, I also wanna see what the dude who bought all those billboards has to say now too. Let God be God and end things when he's ready. No crack pot can predict it.

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