The former NC Senator and Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee is currently married to Elizabeth Edwards, who is battling a terminal form of breast cancer. Although Johnny-boy publicly claimed to be standing by his wife’s side in the midst of her illness, he was actually off getting some from his inexperienced videographer, AKA “chick-on-the-side” Rielle Hunter, whom he impregnated. Once Rielle gave birth to their love child, Johnny-boy adamantly denied he was the father, even getting his former campaign manager, Andrew Young, to be the fall guy and claim HE was the real father. But the National Enquirer (who would have thunk it) caught Johnny-boy sneaking a post-midnight visit to Rielle and their new baby at a hotel, where Johnny-boy tried to hide out in a bathroom to avoid the flash of the paparazzi. It didn’t work. Johnny-boy eventually admitted paternity, put Rielle and baby up in a mansion with full financial support, and suffered career ending public humiliation as his wife, Elizabeth, filed for legal separation.
Now here comes the “ballsy” part: John Edwards has now reportedly proposed marriage to Rielle Hunter, supposedly expecting either Elizabeth’s death, divorce, or whichever comes first. And all this comes just as a sex tape of Johnny-boy and Rielle has surfaced and been subpoenaed by the courts. Young claims that Edwards told him he and Rielle Hunter would marry on a New York rooftop and the Dave Matthews Band would perform. All this would happen once Elizabeth Edwards died of cancer. How lowlife is that?
So far, the Edwards camp is denying it all — just as they always have.
I can only hope that Mrs. Edwards gathers up all her strength and sues the slut who caused the destruction, alongide her husband. Then I hope the 2 of them (John and new Age Slut face) take themselves to a far away island) and talk me, me, me for the rest of their lives. John Edwards, interested in POVERTY? He needs to look first at the poverty of his soul. Good Riddance and the 2 of them can delight in their equally narcissisticdelights. Now pass another box of those exquisite gourmet chocolates, would you please?