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Ariel Castro Commits Suicide

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BREAKING NEWS: Ariel Castro Commits Suicide
Ariel Castro, the Ohio madman who kidnapped, repeatedly raped and held 3 women captive inside his Cleveland home for more than 10 years is dead.

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Castro hanged himself inside his cell at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, OH around 9pm last night.  Authorities actively monitor each cell every 30 minutes and found the 52-year-old Castro hanging during one of the rounds.  Prison medical staff tried to revive him but were unsuccessful. Castro was taken to the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center where he was officially pronounced dead at 10:52pm.

Breaking News Top News Today Current EventsThe media got word of Castro’s death and broadcast the story almost immediately. Unfortunately, Castro’s family had not yet been notified and family members learned of his suicide via Breaking News on their local television station.  An official call to the family from the prison warden didn’t come until nearly 1am, which has angered the surviving family members.

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Castro was recently sentenced to life plus 1000 years in prison for kidnapping, raping and holding captive Michelle Knight (abducted in 2002), Amanda Berry (abducted in 2003) and Georgina DeJesus (abducted in 2004).  He avoided the death penalty by agreeing with prosecutors to plead guilty — a deal he willingly accepted.   In the end that deal proved to be unnecessary, with Ariel Castro eventually deciding that death was in fact a much better option than eternity behind bars.

Ohio kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro found hanged inside his cell.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Mr. BD

I hate to say good riddance but.. good riddance.

random white guy

I wanted this piece of crap to rot in prison but he took the easy way out. he kept those girls locked up for ten years but couldn't take one month of it himself. what a tool


Cosign with both RWG and BD…..

He was absolute waste and good riddance.

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