Comments on: ARIZ. IMMIGRANT LAW AMENDED News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 20 Feb 2017 16:17:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deb Mon, 20 Feb 2017 16:17:14 +0000 Truthiz, you bring up a good point. Employers, need to pay fines or have some punishment for hiring illegals. I don't believe this is an act of racism, I think it's just a way for America to take care of our homeless before illegals.

By: Truthiz Tue, 04 May 2010 00:21:06 +0000 Beth Stanton:"So where do we draw the line?"Good question!We start with those legions of absolutely Corrupt money-grubbing American EMPLOYERS who've been blatantly BREAKING THE LAW and exploiting cheap labor since FOREVER. They wave the chance of a better life in the faces of "illegals" desperately seeking JOBS to support themselves and their families_and being unable to find jobs in their own native country (which for most of them happens to border THIS country) they risk Life and limb to come here_smh. Start arresting AND convicting those employers and sending their azzez to jail to do REAL time and THAT will do more to curb the flow of "illegals" than any legislation or border security we come up with!

By: BD Mon, 03 May 2010 17:39:36 +0000 Interesting point. But two wrongs don't make one right.People should not be coming into our country illegally. But racial profiling latinos just to stop it isn't the answer either. As a government Arizona needs to find a better common ground.Again interesting points from you Beth.

By: Beth Stanton Mon, 03 May 2010 16:16:17 +0000 During the past several days I've witnessed many people becoming overtly upset regarding this law. However, I've also watched on television several illegal immigrants speaking against the law while brazenly admitting they are here illegally. So where do we draw the line? We can't move all of Mexico to the United States. If they want to immigrate here they should stand in line and do so legally like every other immigrant to this country has always done. It just sickens me!
