Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County in Arizona is anything but a stranger to controversy.
Considering himself “America’s toughest sheriff,” Arpaio made national headlines this year for his controversial enforcement of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration laws.  Now the 77-year-old lawman is the subject of serious allegations of abuse of power.
Arpaio has been called on the carpet for creating a tent city jail in the Arizona desert, for attempting to ridicule inmates by providing them with pink underwear, and for bragging that he spends more to feed his dog than a prisoner in his jail. But critics are bringing to light his long history of launching bogus criminal investigations against political opponents or anyone who gets in his way.
Arpaio has launched a myriad of high-profile criminal investigations against a veritable “who’s who” among Maricopa County politicians and officials. The list includes the mayor of Phoenix, a former police chief, two members of the board of supervisors, Superior Court judges, and even a former state attorney general. The charges have included public corruption, misuse of taxpayers’ dollars, bribery, rape and even child molestation. Interestingly, all of these investigations were launched with great public fanfare, but rarely resulted in any convictions.
Fraudulent filings against his enemies is a colossal abuse of power, which could land Arpaio in more trouble than he’s ever caused for his opponents — or Arizona’s immigrant population. Â A federal grand jury is currently looking into the allegations.
I never liked this guy even when I saw him on Cnn. I hope they find a way to throw him under the jail for all the wrong he's done.
We love diversity and multicultural-Mexican mingling, that has us tingling, as long as it is limited to low-skilled menial domestic yard work, hard work, restaurants and the service and retail economy. But we bitch and whine when we have to put up with the crowding, traffic, competition, taxes and crime. We don't care if they invade our nation, with drugs, gangs, pimps and whores, as long as they don't carjack us or attack us or kick down our doors.
What many fail to realize is that Mexican Indians are Native Americans. They should be free to come here if they please.I will not argue with any of you but that is the truth whether you want to believe it or not. They have more right here than Caucasian people. Read your history books although many are biases.Most of the jobs they take white people will not do and certainly not for the cheap wage they make. Americans benefit from their hard work but don't realize it until that job is done by a higher paid citizen and they weep for the money leaving their wallet.