It appears Arizona never heard the saying “No news is Good News” as they are back in the news yet again — and still not in a good way.
A group of local artists were recently hired to paint a mural on the wall of an elementary school in Prescott, depicting four students, with the most prominent face being that of a Hispanic boy. But after seeing the mural, the artists were told by officials to lighten the faces on the mural so the students didn’t appear so “ethnic.” Needless to say, amid taunts and tensions, that is when the proverbial sh*t hit the fan!
R.E. Wall, the artist who heads the Prescott Downtown Mural Project, told a local newspaper that passersby regularly shouted racially charged comments at his group while they were creating the mural at the Miller Valley Elementary School. “You’re desecrating our school,” “Get the nigg*r off the wall,” “Get the spi*k off the wall,” were common rants, Wall said. “The pressure stayed up consistently. We had two months of cars shouting at us.”
Although the mural showed students using various methods of “green” transportation, the colors of the students generated most if not all the attention. The mural flap comes amid growing tensions over Arizona’s strict new immigration law that has drawn nationwide criticism and outrage.
DJ:"But after seeing the mural, the artists were told by officials to lighten the faces on the mural so the students didn't appear so "ethnic." Needless to say, amid taunts and tensions, that is when the proverbial sh*t hit the fan!"And understandably so!I've heard it said that_if "ignorance" is "bliss," ignorant-azz people must be in perpetual state of giddiness_smh.