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As OK WASSUP! reported HERE earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to an extra-marital affair with a woman who worked for 20 years inside the Schwarzenegger household. Now more details have emerged regarding the affair, the mistress/worker, and the son they produced.

News reports late last night revealed the identity of the woman who had the affair and love-child with the Governator as Mildred Patricia Baena.  Baena, who worked in the household for 20 years, was pregnant with Schwarzenegger’s baby during the same time Maria Shriver was pregnant with the couple’s 2nd child. In fact, both children were born only a few days apart.  Baena is also said to have made the moves on Arnold, who obviously succumbed to her advances.

Arnold knew about the pregnancy of his mistress from the beginning and has provided financial support throughout the boy’s life.  But Baena told Maria Shriver that she was pregnant by her then husband, in an attempt to keep the affair and the identity of the real father a secret.  Maria even purchased a plethora of gifts and hosted a baby shower for Baena, as a show of support for the woman who worked for her and whom she considered family.  Hmmm…

The son born to Arnold and Baena is said to be 14-years-old now, which means the affair likely started during the first years of Baena’s 20 year employ, which only ended in January of this year. Although the identity of the child is being protected because he is still a minor, reports are that the boy looks strikingly like his father and that he is undeniably Schwarzenegger’s son.

Since news of the affair broke earlier this week, the Schwarzenegger family has been understandably shaken. Maria issued a statement a few days ago regarding the affair, but has since asked for privacy for her and her children as they attempt to heal from the news.  But in a series of emotional tweets about the family scandal, Maria and Arnold’s eldest son, Patrick Schwarzenegger, changed his Twitter name to Patrick Shriver (his mother’s maiden name), out of embarrassment of carrying the name Schwarzenegger.  

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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